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Everything posted by Lexen

  1. Is it possible to break your ass? Because that guy in the TrialsKing video looked like he did...
  2. txt 2007, I'm fairly sure thats a picture of an actuall bike and you'v justed messed around with the colours. If not the your really good with paint or whatever you used.
  3. Thanks for the advice. Never heard of JustSnipe before, might check it out.
  4. A guy I know had his bmx stolen. A few of us left are bikes outside a kwik-save with out putting any locks on them (i know its really stupid). When we got back only his bike had been stolen, which is strange considering his looked knackered and rusty compared to the rest. But I had no sympathy for him because he was a proper klepto anyway. A fine example of Karma. However in you're case should karma fail to show up, I agree with most of the others. Threaten him and if that fails Hit, Kick or otherwise maim the little tosser untill he coughs up a bike. Hope your friend gets his bike back, Good Luck.
  5. I'v been outbid twice now on bikes from ebay anyone else here use ebay and if so got any tips for bidding?
  6. I think he's going to have trouble sitting down for a while though.
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