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About ..::littlesam::..

  • Birthday 10/25/1993

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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  • County (UK Only)
    West Yorkshire
  • Real Name
    sam bottomley
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    ZOO pythong 06!!!!!!! echo light forks v!z stem V!z front wheel V!z/echo rear wheel try-all rage bars double maggy heatsink pads try-all cranks trialstech bb monty tyres lmfao eno ffw FSA headset

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    trials , rugby, motorbiking , climbing and having a good laugh :)
  • Location
    hebden bridge

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..::littlesam::..'s Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. amazing rider, everything is massive!!
  2. i have doen as you said and it has come up with my webcam saying 'pc camera' then ir has a yellow '?' in front of it, so i click that and it says the driver are not installed for this and gives me no other options?
  3. happy birthday stan and the other lot!!
  4. i dont give a shit lmao, i want free music, i dont intend to pay for something which is supily expensive. £7.90 for 10 songs of itunes... erm i think not. where like hannah says you can use rapid share and get whatever you want for free. i am 15 and i am not made of money so i dont pay for it. i am sure there is still the odd goody two shoes like you around too kep the music undustry going!!
  5. lmao oh god, just looked at your last topic 'cox' made me chuckle +1 made the forum amusing for once. the amount of illegal downlaoding that happens who really cares, i mean who wants to pay for a song? dont think i have payed for one song on my itunes. pm me and i ill find you a msuic site.
  6. i have downlaoded the firt one and there are just laods of files, not of them say install or anything? am i just being a retard or do i need a differnt one? cheers sam
  7. i am agreeing with you, i was intending to show your quite on his lol.
  8. that just came up with a blank page lol send me the downlaod link. pm me your msn
  9. hi there i have a neptune webcam? or vimicro or something and i wiped my pc the other day and now it needs reinstalling, dont have the disk? can anyone help me? cheers sam
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