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the trials mop

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Everything posted by the trials mop

  1. i may be wrong but they look like some rodie/commuter forks
  2. i think im gonna try dans GU and see if i like sky high bb's or not
  3. ill try and get out, echo is cracked atm so depends if its sorted or ive got a new frame, or if push comes to shove ill be out on by trials unicycle, my be a bit rusty though
  4. fair enough, joe is the most publicised rider by far in the uk, kevin wharton he's a pretty awesome australian rider
  5. make an emulsion of vegitible oil, water and fairy liquid, sorted, but it tastes shit lol
  6. gonna get slated probs, uni trials is great fun, ok you violate yourself a fair bit, you guys that dont like it its fair enough, its like a bet a fair few unicyclists look at trials and say wtf whats the point in that they dont have seats, its a matter of opinion but i enjoy both trials and uni trials so it doesn't matter. admitidly that video isnt the best example as its stupidly long, joe hodges is the way forward for uni trials as some of his stuff is awsome, in this he's about the same level as benito, http://vids.worldofk.com/koxxone/K1_Pure_T...otions_36Mo.wmv jamie
  7. is it just me or does their demo piss all over the animal/braun bike tour?
  8. did you notice how most of those were due to brake slippage, thank god for the grind and decent pads!
  9. fair enough, you should go to southampton unicycle hockey its a laugh, add them on facebook, its every sunday.
  10. pretty sweet drop, are you more into big drops and what not or techy balance stuff like rails? jamie
  11. cock, would be out but Ive got a hockey match
  12. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2156/203501..._778871d0b7.jpg
  13. I swear your not even trying when we're out riding, some nice siddles and taps jamie
  14. fair enough, stick a thing up next time you are down and riding and ill try and get out
  15. when you next riding down poole way nick as im tempted to get one of thes but want a ride on one before I get one jamie
  16. what back tyre do you run in antitron 3 as it look slick, is it just a cut/smoothed cc or a large vol slick? jamie
  17. I think it looks sooooo much better in black, it doesnt show how angular the down tube looks, but i think it would look better in a matt black to match the urban forks
  18. the echo has a much more rounded profile, it looks like a small control 09 to be honest, Im pretty interested in the echo but I need to ride one to tell if i like it or not. jamie
  19. fair comment, its something fairly different though jamie
  20. was trawling through the parkour vid on youboob and found this, the guy has some imagination and balls to see some of the lines jamie
  21. Was good vid, "im gonna cry soon" Wish I'd come now looked good fun. jamie
  22. doubt the frame would have the clearence, unless its a trials, standard uni's dont usually have wide enough forks to fit 2.5's jamie
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