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the trials mop

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Everything posted by the trials mop

  1. I run dual try-alls but I'm tempted to try one of these on the front in the summer. this
  2. is that one of the splined tree sprockets, if so how good are they as they use a interesting fitting system?
  3. what are the "TartyBikes High Performance " pads on the back?
  4. ive always wondered if you let beer go flat then bled with that what the result would be, as you would have a similar feel to water but with the alcohol to lower the freezing point
  5. 11 pallets to pedal what ever that is in cm http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-sn...2_5311630_n.jpg
  6. havent done in a while, the last time i got a uni was for uni hockey and that hurts! but love my koxx one, its crazy light
  7. sweet, good to see youve got more sponsorship
  8. Is it just me or is this the most wank test ever? Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  9. what frame are you riding?
  10. ha fair enough these will probably make you chuckle then http://guestofaguest.com/wp-content/upload...12/hipster1.jpg
  11. I may not have phrased it quite right, if you want to make more frames and make some more money fixies could be could be worth a look into. I bet the good bits cancel the bad bits out by a mile though
  12. its a low-pro, you uneducated people
  13. I actually now idolise your lifestyle, its the kind of life I could only hope for, possibily looking into fixies/ traditional style track bike could be an option as theres a fair size scene in north america
  14. how long are the dropouts gonna last?
  15. ......... owwwww, are you actually gonna ride this trusty steed andy
  16. correct me if im wrong but a back brake would be beneficial for pedal kicks, i may just be making an arse of myself not being able to see an lever that is there, if so open to corrections edit: made an arse, it was there most of the time
  17. was looking on tribalzine and saw a link with a different looking 24, turned out to be a because, they dont look to shabby and if the pound to euro conversion ever get better, it may be worth a look sphere bikes 24's jamie
  18. hot chocolate for the win, and the fairly fit church woman lol
  19. does that mean you'll be getting the tms combo in???
  20. yes but not in sufficient amounts for our temperature receptors to detect
  21. I remember adam trying carbon rotors a while ago and though it was just a random idea he had but this may prove otherwise
  22. andy is a beast, i remember when he came down poole and daves description was "built like a tank, rides like a beast"
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