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  1. One of the guys in the first video reminds me of Martin Hawes, similar style to how he used to ride back then.
  2. Brilliant frames, I love them. The way you have built it up looks good, I wish I'd never sold mine now!
  3. Thanks for spotting that, i'll be keeping my eye on that one. Cheers
  4. 1.No feel the difference on my bike! not tell the difference if you lined 10 different bikes up in front of me. 2.Are you sure your using the correct oil? Or have you not bled them properly, because your maguras shouldn't feel like that when bled properly with oil/magura blood.
  5. Quite simple really: Water = brake felt very spongy Magura blood = brake felt less spongy. To suggest the brakes weren't bled properly is a bit of a insult (I was bleeding these brakes and riding trials when some of yous were still in your nappies)
  6. Yes, they were defiantly bled properly, when I re-bled them with oil the problem had gone. About three other guy's I ride with had tried them with water and all found them the same as I had.
  7. I tried bleeding mine with water a few years back and ran them like that for a while, yeah it felt great at first, but once the brake bites the lever is very squeegee and pulls in a lot further from the bite point. I personally didn't like the feel, so I wouldn't do it again. Jeff
  8. Thanks for the help guys, its a shame there both bikes, I'm after the frame only if I could get it.
  9. Hello, Does anyone know of any bike shop that still has a Orange Zero frame for sale? Or am I being wishful thinking! I would love to get my hands on one of these again, Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. Jeff
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