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street trials rider

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Everything posted by street trials rider

  1. used to yes (look in my photo album) who's coming to durham on saturdya then?
  2. street trials rider


    From the album: other stuff

  3. i was riding a Zoo! pitbull + 3pc cranks (only zoo with 3pc? ) + Atomlab wheels + goodridge hoses...... wish i got a montage of my tailwhips ah now i have a TF name to put to that t-pro rider.... howdy Rob *edit* w00t! i'm in a pic, even if i'm sat doing naff all
  4. - 1 to post a picture of a bulb - 4 to make smart ass comments about it a bulb is for life, not just the christmas tree
  5. yeah them speakers are awsome, i'm annoying the neighbourghs (sp) with mine right now :thumbsup: as mentions 5.1 can be annoying with all the cabling involved. get a excellent set of 2.1 instead
  6. just send it to tarty and pay for a service, tarty's services apparently never skip
  7. can't wait for next one :thumbsup: lots of Zoo! bikes there aswell *mine had 3pc cranks*
  8. aww, you beat me to the bump anyhow.... COME ON!!! time + location added to 1st post
  9. yeah its a pace frame, its been chipped to hell but he's a tart and touches it up everytime, would be silver bynow if he hadn't i didnt get no pics was a excellent ride none the less :thumbsup: feel sorry for lads from bournmoth (sp) they will still be waiting for their coach home (coach leaves at 11:30 PM )
  10. seen it ages ago downloaded it searching for drum solo vids, kid is awsome oh yeah, fav bit of the solo is 6:10 till about 6:40 well funky section :thumbsup:
  11. tom (main lad from yarm) is coming with me and few others to newcastle ride by the looks of it, and i think the rest dont ride enough to show enthuseasm (sp) to show up i'll ride whitby again some other time JT, last time you were out the weather wasnt the best and i had bent forks
  12. seen the state of the downtube and half that spec is pathetic for the price he wants.... i'd give him 500 MAX for that.... reaad the descriptions, doesnt seem like he could give a dam (eg/ "has a couple of stiff links from me joining the chain" ) moron if you buy this thing
  13. grinding disks is only a way to destroy yoru rotor and pads...... if you want better breaking with a disk buy a good brake i've had it explained to me many times over the years why its useless, fact is (as mentioned) both surfaces need to be smooth, if all else fails, clean yoru rotor with a baby wipe every few week, and leave it for about 5 mins for it to evaporate off (works same on rim brakes, but lasts about 15 mins)
  14. i like doing no footer x-ups on pogo sticks they good things to learn jump tricks on, trials on them is fun, but style is better
  15. may of been green though its now black with a grind plate on it nice ride when set up for street very flickable and solid feel to it i find, you can hit it off pretty much ANYTHING and it wont dent (or atleast mine aint yet, and its had some very hard landings on to downtube while rail gapping out of my limits )
  16. my condolances (sp) to everyone who knew him, especially his family RIP
  17. street trials rider = JJ (custom title) looks like including me there will be 3 or 4 coming from my area
  18. give these 2 sites a call and find out some more information (i'm with ATG) http://www.atg-cyclemechanics.co.uk/index.htm http://www.pjcsonline.co.uk/index.htm
  19. good question lol instead of having a few bikes set up for dirt, sk8park, street, etc.... i do it all on 1 bike only answer i can come up with really..... but i do just hammer the hell out of my bike. Before i bought 3pc i used to snap BB axles every few month (personal record = 9 XT BBs in 2 month ) done quite a few BAD flat landers in the sk8park (but that was over a year ago when it was open (dam housing companys ) *edit* oh yeah i also managed to snap the BB shell clean off a handsome dog rockhound frame (11")... dad threw frame out before i could get a pic
  20. should be a hell of a convoy of trials riders going around newcastle by the looks of things
  21. i'll dig out my DX pedals and measure them up for you, i'm sure i've got soem DMR pins left somewhere to compair them to aswell
  22. they must be starting to try gather bikes up to sell for drugs with good weather only round the corner, they should all be shot..... due to the number of bikes been stolen lately i think its definatly time i insured my bike when i get payed (hope it dont get stolen over the weekend )
  23. i've ridden a little around near exibition (sp) sk8park, but thats about it really, never explored the majority of the city as i dont know my way around but what i ridden was awsome stuff
  24. SNAP! clean off at the middle of the crank arm (none drive, i'm left foot forward rider)
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