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Everything posted by c.j

  1. purple? pink? haha red and white looks pretty pimp, if your set on red that is, if not orange looks good, or you cant beat blue
  2. i have a kick ass v on my t-vee, although you cant beat a magura on the backk
  3. ok then, im gonna weigh it up, because im going to need a new rear wheel, sprockets, etc. basically half of the stuff ive already got won't fit it maybe though
  4. cheers, i dont really know a lot about geometry, i know what it means i just don't know the difference it makes to bikes, if you get me, not sure whether its worth the hassle of gettin new wheel parts and all that kind of stuff ill have a think cheers
  5. that looks very cool, this ones in silver though, the spacing could be a problem then? oh dear, i dont want to mess around too much with it
  6. just wondering if the 24 7 trials frames were any good? its a stock and its at 100 quid buy it now with a fsa pig headset, isis bb and forks? 112 posted sound good? brand new
  7. no probs, post finished pics though oooooo also, when i spray things now i use a heat gun to heat up whatever im spraying, jus help the paint to stick bettererer, especially if the weathers cold n ur in a cold garage haha
  8. yer i wouldn't do it in the kitchen.... but yer basically, you could get it powder coated, but its up to you and whether you think its worth it and yer paints and stuff you can buy anywhere, halfords or wilkos, places like that use wet and dry paper for sanding n hang it up by wire to spray it. make sure that its all clean and masked off before you spray it use safety goggles! haha
  9. i personally would prime it, a few layers of paint, n a coat or two of clear laquer? maybe a bit overkill but wud look great, sand it down before and meths the sticky sticker stuff off
  10. haha should of had the old fashioned dynamos on the bikes to light them up, but it would get very tangled shiny superbikes = the new thing
  11. don't think it would be as strong as it was, but wouldnt be brittle either, just keep an eye on it if you do
  12. what about a magura oil/diesel mix? or is that plain silly?
  13. i do love them, i ride a dtr it was better than in the daylight
  14. lol wrong, stoner won it as always.... rossi's tyres=gone
  15. have you welded tht or just covered it up, i got a bent p1 frame that i ran over.....
  16. bees in a can love it hus every rooting for? gotta be rossi for me!
  17. can't wait, should be utter mayhem :-D
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