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Prawny Baby

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Everything posted by Prawny Baby

  1. you told me ti would be finished on tuesday :S :P :( :) ive been waiting ages for this (Y) itll be a while before its downloaded.... about 2 hours probably.... i best go build my hifi up then.... strange thing about ti being shot over a year will be the progression! compared to how you are now, you were pretty shit a year ago (Y) if that preveiw you sent me on tuesday is anything to go by.... this should be pretty sick! is there anything from our bone hill ride back in june?
  2. i wasnt saying it wasnt his car.... it was just a bit sus that the car was on ebay and the pics were almost 2 months old.... i believe he owns it.... i saw a white evo 5 today in town.... looks a lot better in real life :( in those pics the plastic looks outta place, yet on the one i saw, it suited"!
  3. hahahaha ive just found it on ebay too! exactly the same car, in exactly the same picture location.... the pictures also appear to be dated the 22nd of september, close on two months ago!!!! explain?
  4. sadly.... i generally cant go above 8ft.... ive reached 8ft on a few occasions, but ive never exceeded it.... normally 7'-7'6'' on an average day i guess....
  5. its a nice motor thats for sure.... although perhaps a little over the top.... loving the colour.... but theres just a LITTLE too much plastic for my tastes.... bet it goes some though.... how the HELL do you afford to buy and run/insure all thes cars? when according to your profile, your only 21....
  6. odd.... mine players perfectly in DIVX, try getting the latest version....
  7. guys.... you dont get what im saying.... my insurance halfed in my first year from 1000 to 500 with pass plus.... but the fac that your trying to insure a 1.6 means its still going to be MEGA high anyway, i dont know if motorbike no claims count or not.... anyone else in the know? :D
  8. photoshopped shot from pompey on saturday! two people removed from bridge, detail removed from me and the foreground, and the levels adjusted to make it a bit more punchy! all done by Rob_P
  9. no, really, we aint jelous.... my misses has the old style corsa, and its a FOUL little car, i really hate it with a passion! the new one of the last 4-5 years seems to be ok though.... although the 3pot is still rough and nasty! 1.4 sxi appears to be alright though....
  10. your 18.... pass plus aint gona help you matey.... unless your loaded.... it will make it cheaper, but insurance for an 18yr old in your own name on a 1.6 will be a joke! a 1.6 16v vectra isnt that qucik really, get a small car with a smaller engine and it will still feel nippy!
  11. having ridden both the adamant A1 and the HiFi i personally prefered the Echo by miles.... pete-your wrong matey, the hifi is NOT a short bike, the high bb doesnt make it feel short, it just gives it a few of the prefered ride characteristics of shorter bikes, whilst maintaining all the benefits of a long bike! i personally thought the tyre clearence on the adamant (due to the 372mm rear end) was unacceptable, and i think the echo is a far more classy looking frame.... both gorgeous though, although the echo would be my choice.... infact.... i think ill go and order one right now!
  12. hey rich! awesome vid mate, steve looking at home on his hifi now! mine played in media player, but was horribly jerky and gay! i thought it was an effect at the beginning.... but it soon got gay! opened it in divx player and it worked just fine (Y) awesome! bone hill ride at xmas anyone?
  13. i had to cut a single speed kit off my king a few months back! being careless and useless i cut almost half way through 3 spokes (Y) still going strong (Y)
  14. i missed the bracket and thought you were completely and utterly insane for a few seconds there.... hmmmmmmmmm nice!
  15. i like this one :lol: even though its not from soton :lol:
  16. fook me adam.... when did u get that good? looks like a wheelswap competition is on at xmas time boyo! looks like you'll give me a good run for my money now! looking forward to meeting up again at xmas matey! keep it up!
  17. well arnt you a clever bellend! incase your too fu<king stupid to notice.... most of the guys replying in this thread are only 15 or 16! as they are getting towards the end of SCHOOL. from here they will either finish, go on to do a-levels, or go on to do some other qualification! for those of a less academic nature (more practically able) who dont want to undertake A-levels, the only way to get into university is to do something LIKE a BTEC, and then go on and get a degree.... i did 2 years work for my a-levels, and got into uni to do engineering, but there are guys on my course who hav got in with BTEC qualifications.... they are treated no differently, and are just as able as those of us who have done A-levels.... in many ways more so! as A-levels are done over a range of subjects, the people on my course have already done an entire engineering BTEC!!!! think before you speak you narrow minded wanker
  18. problem with the 1ltr 12v is its a 3pot.... its a really rough motor IMO, much better off with the 8v 1.2, its far smoother and more refined! although equally as slow im afraid :lol: corsasport.... what a joke!
  19. nice job whiteboy.... there seem to be a few of me missing though :lol:
  20. how cute did this look when i got it!!!!
  21. looking good matey! sorry about the arse shot.... i cant help it :P twas actually pretty good for a pompey ride! good turn out and some pretty good riding during the day....
  22. i dont know why everyone seems to think eengodiddee whatever it is so slow.... ive just downloaded it now, and iv bad between 58-61kbs the whole time! running 512 broadband its taken me 12minutes to download.... very strange :P awesome vid though guys! the riding is just getting silly these days :-
  23. whiteboy you big gay get on the 9:00 train and come to southampton!
  24. on that note.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TICS COMMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see you all tomorow lads!
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