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Prawny Baby

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Everything posted by Prawny Baby

  1. in light of the new domain thread, i thought id post a poll to ask how many people have tf set as their home page? i have had it as mine for the last 3 years.... i tried to escape it 2 years ago when i was really into the mini, yet somehow it didnt seem right having minifinity or tmf as my home page.... i never actually looked on tf at all, yet somehow it still had to be my first call after my delightful dial up process
  2. ive had 3 avids, all of them have been awesome my latest 203mm disc is the nuts! its got a MUCH nicer feel to it than my mats 190mm hope mono trial, his has a juddery feel when you try to modulate it, as if you can feel the pads moving across the holes in the rotor and it has no more ultimate power or bite than my avid.... my bb7 has a really smooth power to it when your gentle, yet will lock the wheel up solid with a moderate pull of the lever. the other awesome thing about running an avid, is that with an xtr or avid lever, you can choose the feel of it.... you can either have it with a really stiff lever feel and no squidge (which feels just like a hydro disc on mine-most people will agree) or you can have it setup nice and spongy to give your fingers a break! i have mine set up super spongey and comming almost back to the bar! as its more comfortable like that, and i never need to pull it hard to get total lock up anyway! avid rocks.... and the bigger the better for sure! my 203 is WAY smoother than the 185's i had before
  3. riding expert i imagine? you wont come last mate, ill be there!!!!
  4. 1. Male or Female? 2. 18-20 21-29 30+ 3. Have you ever been speed dating before? NO 4. Which colours would you associate with acceptance? (choose 2) RED - YELLOW - BLUE - BLACK - ORANGE - GREEN - PURPLE - WHITE 5. Which colours would you associate with rejection? (choose 2) RED - YELLOW - BLUE - BLACK - ORANGE - GREEN - PURPLE - WHITE 6. Which shape would you associate with acceptance? PENTAGON - TRIANGLE - HEXAGON - DIAMOND - RECTANGLE - CIRCLE - SQUARE - STAR 7. Which sahpe would you associate with rejection? PENTAGON - TRIANGLE - HEXAGON - DIAMOND - RECTANGLE - CIRCLE - SQUARE - STAR 8. If you went speed datign what would be your drink of choice? PINT - HALF PINT / MIXER - GLASS OF WINE - SHOTS - CHAMPAGNE - BOTTLE BEER / ALCOPOP
  5. where!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive been looking for ages and cant find it
  6. ill be there rich, quite possibly in your car posted my entry form off this morning
  7. seems nice enough, SM chat moving to chitchat looks odd at first, and as people have said, i had a bit of a click pattern going but im sure itll seem normal sooner or later.... once the sudden rush of everyone wanting to start a topic about their bike dies down.... new bike fair enough, but if it was in the old bike pics thread, we've all seen it! so why bother starting a topic about them now? nobody cares
  8. well, im going to say dont even THINK about going through insurance joe! what these guys dont seem to realise, is that your excess WILL be around £500. when i had a small crash, my insurance doubled the next year, from £500 up to £1000 sadly, i had no choice other than to go through insurance, as i hit some complete TWAT who tried claiming for whilash and everything, and took his car straight to the BMW dealers.... im still paying for it now, with a premium several hundred quid higher than it should be 2 years later, despite having a years no claims again sinse. seriously joe, if the damage is less than £1000, pay it yourself! itll only end up costing you more in the long run! mine has certainly cost me bigtime!
  9. haha, just realised joe i just went to look on the site after voting a few days ago and realised i could vote again! so cleared it and found i could vote again and again! sorry..... i couldnt be f**ked to read through 5 pages
  10. you may be interested to know that if you clear your cookies after voting, you can vote again and again shut down your browser totally, go to properties and clear the cache, then you can go and vote again! ive just voted 5 time
  11. and tehy all love you too
  12. damn right! sad as it may sound, it really is an awesome addition! saves hours of searching for decent free stuff!
  13. you better still be comming bigwig! i dont care if your interveiw is cancelled! the people of pompey and soton are expecting you now! be there..... or be square!
  14. forking hell....... i must have been a heffer back in the day i snapped an X-tort by splitting the headtube lengthways somehow.... then i snapped 2 brisa B26's, followed by an orange zero which went at the chainstays, replaced with an es3, which the headtube ripped off after 4 weeks, replaced by the warranty zero, which lasted me a day before i cracked that, replaced by the warranty es3, which cracked after a few weeks..... then got the px, which stayed solid! also cracked my T-master, found a small crack on my excess, and a few other cheapy things......... this is all 3years ago or more though! in the last 3 years, i havnt killed any frames! 3sets of forks, a stem, and millions of rear rims, but thats about it these days.....
  15. Prawny Baby

    Pedrosa Vid

    awesome vid Jamie, really nice smooth style! i dont think the sound of the rear brake has ANYTHING to do with the pads at all...... or even if you run a heavy or light grind. its all about vibrations..... on my T-rex, i tried all sorts of pads, deep grinds, light grinds, no grinds, and it NEVER ONCE made a sound...... until i took off my xtr booster, and it suddenly got REALLY loud! its all about the vibrations i know ill be sticking my xtr on my ashton when i get some new bolts, just for the silentness of it! hope to see you in soton on sunday!
  16. dood, your poll sucks you need WAY WAY WAY more options..... id be voting for 11.........
  17. very nice andy! really enjoyable to watch, as i said on msn, nothing MAHOOSIVE, but all the stuff you did was done VERY well.......
  18. hahaha, i WISH i had footage of my on my zero..... if i ever looked through all my old dv tapes, im sure theres a load on there! one day ill dig it all out and upload it!
  19. nobody likes you all! pompey and soton are where its at this weekend go ride on your own
  20. haha awesome! we have been playing this over the uni lan in your halls all year! its amazing! anyone completed all the tracks in advanced yet?
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