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Prawny Baby

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Everything posted by Prawny Baby

  1. i cant be bothered to find the speeding topic to be honest, i think you should re-read what i wrote.... IF it was a bunch of chavs messing around, then yes, its wrong. but in the middle of nowhere, with no hedges for people to jump out of, not a car in sight, i really dont see a problem, its just me in the car. i know my own limits, and i know what is and is not safe. i couldnt care less what the legal speed limit is, as it was set in accordance with how fast a ford anglia could go back in the 60's 70's....... so to be fair, it really means nothing by todays standards. there is a time and a place for everything. the important thing is knowing where and when that is.
  2. surely a better idea would be to mow down every biker you see then speed off? if we all did that, we could be rid of them completely in a few months! and never have to worry about the sodding crotch rockets ever again.... there would also be a nice healthy supply of bike engines to go into RWD mini projects......! you can shut your face too smelly spacemunkee! theres a time and a place for speeding, and in the right place, in the right car, theres nothing wrong with it whatsoever.... i was on a completely open road, i could see all around, there was no body anywhere in sight, and the road was straight. in that situation, i am only a danger to myself, and i was 100% in control, and WELL within my capabilities...... in a car i know better than the back of my hand, which happens to handle and respond better than any car ive ever driven...... i really dont see a problem with that myself.... if it was in a 1.1 saxo with 5 chavs inside and stupid skinny tyres on an enclosed road with kids on the pavement.... fair enough. but in what is basicly a road legal race car, on a road i know well, with nobody around, its fine
  3. i dunno sam, i managed to put my hand straight through a mini on trying to fit it!!!! it wasnt that hard at all!
  4. prawnys latest tip: watch out when its wet!!!!!!!! just been out for the first time in mini sinse xmas, now shes all road legal and insured again the ten inch falken tyres ive got on now arnt quite up the the same standards as my yokos were..... it wheelspins in EVERY gear, including 4th which was a bit scary when you grab a gear at 80mph and find it can still spin the wheels!!!!
  5. ive gotta agree with rich on this one assume EVERYONE ELSE on the road is useless, retarded, and incompetant! because sadly, almost all of them are.... the standard of driving these days is simply TERRIBLE people are always trying to drive fast when tehy BLATENTLY dont have the skills.... several times ive followed local chavs home in their saxo vts's and the like and sure, tehy have been going pretty quickly, but taking all the wrong lines, and being totally on the edge the whole time, whereas ive been following in the mini, not pushed at all, taking the right lines, and hardly even touching the brakes. i sure know which one of us was driving mroe safely...... dont THINK you can drive fast, because until you have PROPER practise, you CANT. you might get away with it for a few months, but ultimately, you will crash, and it will cost you big time. no matter how fast YOU can go around a bend, you HAVE to always ask yourself what will happen if someone else comes round from the other direction and cuts that same corner, will you still be safe? if the answers no, then your going too fast! OBSERVATION. i dont mean the faggoty check your mirrors all the time driving test stuff, but keep an eye open for every single side road, look 5 cars ahead always, always assume the worse will happen, never make a move assuming someone isnt about to do something silly, and know the limitations of your car! main tip: dont try to show off. if your good people will know it, if your not and yout ry to be, people will think your a twat. unless of course you kill them, when they wont be thinking at all.....
  6. THE best in care entertainment is the sexy whine of a set of straight cut gears..... although randomly exploding french cars are always good for a laugh
  7. ill sure as hell be there!!!!! porter, you WILL be comming.... oneof us from down south will take you some way or another glad you have been able to arrange another day sue it will be great to come back to abingdon and see everyone again i can no doubt vouch for bigman and say he will be there too
  8. im registed to: trials-forum Section 7 (if its still there!) OTN Biketrials.com and trials-uk.com Theminiforum Minifinity mega jolt lite forum creative sound labs but i only ever really use TF, TMF, and minifinity
  9. give up girlies........ your never going to compare to the almighty god like beings that are the elitest SM mafia...... posts in a drunk thread should be kept between the hours of midnight and 6am...... with the strict exception of those laughing at the drunken posters...... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the evil elitest SM mafia will never be challeneged!
  10. i didnt mean they were the best things from a professional point of veiw! but more from a personal aspect! i have matured SO much sinse comming to uni, i have been allowed to become my own person, and i feel a massive part of that is due to moving away from home. i also said a specific type uni degree..... if you do an english degree, there are no set jobs to go into, just a wide range you COULD do.... im doing a civil engineering degree, and unless i change my mind, i WILL be a civil engineer..... also, if i choose to do a placement year in the 3rd year, i am almost garunteed a job when i graduate.... giving me much the same security as an apprenteship
  11. go get some A-levels joelio..... then go to uni! i know lots of people are going to say you dont need A-levels to get on in life, and its true, you dont. but if you go to uni and get a degree in something specific, which leads onto a set career, your made for life.... plus, uni IS without doubt, THE best thing you will EVER do..........
  12. nice vid mart! your front wheel stuff really puts most people to shame............ few clips in there of places ive not seen, was it all done around portsmouth? awesome stuff! front wheel and spin man mart........
  13. us portsmouth lot really must get over to the pile of shite sometime soon for a ride..... it doesnt look too shabby for riding at all!
  14. its truely gorgeous in pompey! brilliant sun shine, hardly any wind, yet its still nice and crisp outside.... perfect riding weather!
  15. i think BIGMAN would own everyone..... hes the daddy here really.... and you knows it!
  16. at the end of the day tom, ive heard nothing but problems from everyone running just about every form of tensioner eventually, apart from the rohloff, which is basicly a fixed mech anyway....... all the dmr style ones give up eventually, as they use V brake springs, and they just dont cut it in the long run.... the fixed tensioners are POO in my opinion.... ive heard nothing but moaning from everyone whos got a fresh tensioner. they refuse to accept theyre no good, yet complain about varying chain tension, and the tensioner slowly loosening off over time...... IMO, you will never beat a mech with a few simple mods..... ive got a 105 mech, which is about 3 years old now..... ive locked it out, and ive removed the inner cage and secured the jockey wheels in place with longer bolts, so the chain can be taken off the back of it easily. in my opinion, NOTHING will work better than this, as the mech spring is FAR stronger than any dmr style v brake sprung tensioner, and it keeps a constant chain tension. it also looks far more stylish IMO.... stick with mechs. the single speed tensioner is a nice idea, but in reality, it saves SODD ALL weight, doesnt look as nice, and means you cant change gear even if you want to......... ive got a full cassette on the back, with my 17t driver placed in the middle. i dont run a shifter at all, but i can change gear and have it reliably running on any of the other 6 cogs in less than a minute....
  17. im on a civil engineering course at portsmouth, and im LOVING IT!!!!!! i did chemistry, physics, and systems and controll engineering at A-level, and was afraid id never get onto an engineering degree without maths, after failling it miserably at As level. i found a course at portsmouth, which is run directly alongside the normal civil engineering course, which even shares the same lectures, although, through the 1st semmester, we got an extra 4 hours of maths a week, teaching us specifically the bits we would need in the future..... im really loving it, and finally learning something i actually care about, not sitting in a classroom wondering when i can go home! dont give up! its harder without the a-levels normally needed, but it can still be done!
  18. no need for insurance si, but if it gets nicked or broken into while its SORN, your screwed.... not that anyone is going to want your 306 anyway if tis 3rd party then it doesnt really matter does it my minis not been insured, or mot'd sinse xmas, although it is still taxed foolishly
  19. looks like im not alone..... although ive been using mine for 3 1/2 years now.... so im on par with rossi got an HD with QR inserts for now.... thatll do
  20. saturday sounds best all round john, as ultimately, people are busy during the week, meaning there are always going to be lots of people who cant detract from their friday/monday routine.... making the ride on saturday and party saturday night is going to cater best for everyones needs really.......
  21. weathers looking good lads.... its dry as a bone outside, and doesnt really look like its going to rain..... bit of dark cloud up above, but its moving pretty fast, so i reckon we're sorted!
  22. great to finally see you footage of you ads! i see your still a natural boy through and through loving the look, and sound of the kot. it really seems to suit you! it does make me wonder..... perhaps one day, we will all end using rear discs, you are afterall, THE trialsforum trendsetter, and along with rich pearson banging on about them.... who knows!! get a vid of cleaver up soon riding the monkey bike
  23. there are 236 dimples on a regulation golf ball.....
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