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Prawny Baby

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Everything posted by Prawny Baby

  1. looks like your ashton but with a different frame and rear brake..... nah, looks awesome matey, shame you had to ditch the ashton.... but maybe your ment for long bikes ey be interested to have a play with that V tomorow!
  2. looks awesome lee! what kinda spec is the engine? what fuelling will it be running? i remember you saying you were going to be using megajolt/squirt? are you using the new megasquirt 2 to control fuelling as well? or running it on some nice webbers? what sorta BHP should you end up with? capris are lovely to drive....... i raced one a few years back, it was truely a beast!
  3. but thats a mk2 isnt it? if it was ever called that..... its the later one with the 1'' lower standover height.... absolutely GORGEOUS it is too.....
  4. amazingly..... the short frame isnt TOO hard to get used to! im having the most problems with the sodding hope hub going from 3 years with a king to a 21 click hope is almost impossible! on the backwheel i look REALLY sketchy, as im constantly wondering when the hub will engage
  5. ill be having a 200mm k24 on my uber sexy new ashton in a few weeks time so ill report on how it feels then from what people have been saying though, they are incredible
  6. happy birthday laydees!!!!
  7. yea its pretty amazing! the bike wasnt even declared on the policy anywhere! it all came about so fast, because the insurance companies 'cycle specialist' priced the bike up at £2200, which was way OTT. when we showed the insurance company the quote from TB for £1700, some £500 cheaper than their 'cycle specialist' they just agreed to let me have it all from tarty, no trouble at all!
  8. YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! after several conversations with the insurance companies 'cycle specialist' they gave in big big big thanks to dave at tartybikes for providing an awesome quote, and to my dad for argueing with the insurance company they finally accepted that tartybikes could build me a better bike for around £500 less than 'wheelies direct' as wheelies wanted to give me 'alternative parts' to the echo bits i perviously had. now getting a cheque for £1699 sent to me, payable to tartybikes..... new bike time for prawny :D:D happy as a pig in shit!
  9. dont worry save i wont been out riding her today, and shes a little odd took me about 20mins to backwheel 42'' and my GOD it feels odd tapping this 1005 beast!
  10. call that Ghetto..... this: is Ghetto.....
  11. woooooohooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! finally got a bike to ride again.... its a little old school, but its better than nothing only a temp lent to me by a mate for summer, but itll do the job just nicely Thanks AJ
  12. work station of the prawn.... nothing special really, 3yr old altlon 2200 pc, few external hard drives, IBM thinkpad X24 12'' lappy.
  13. itll never compare to your drunken posts though will it ticcy
  14. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha classic that'l teach you to shave your balls again, why dave>? why?
  15. considering that the high bb makes a bike feel LOADS shorter, id definately go with the long one! your not exactly short..... my hifi actually felt REALLY short, and that was a 1085 wheelbase with a +55 BB, it felt shorter than a zebdi go long
  16. silly big file sizes :@ that took me 36 seconds to download! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you sir, have something loose..... im just not sure what it is yet....
  17. a year old? are you having a laugh my ashton looked more battered than that after an hour mate- its gorgeous! now go ride it like it wants to be ridden
  18. right before you tore them in half? personally, id hunt down the b*****d that sold them to you, and put a turd through his letterbox...... who was it you got them from
  19. you knew it was comming...... [attachmentid=4822] shes a little loud at night, and does tend to keep me awake. she has a serious appetite! one of the thirstiest pets i ever had! and food tends to be quite costly around £1 a litre because its special but its definately worth it! the sound she makes when i play with her is just the most rewarding thing ever shes just SO cute like most pets, she doesnt really like the bad weather, but i really dont mind ive watched her grow up, from a sweet and innocent little baby, into the fire breathing noisey creature she is today........ I <3 my pet
  20. having been on orange for the last 6 years, i recently took the plunge and moved over to O2, and so far, im not seeing any downsides at all.... the coverage on O2 is DEFINATELY better than on orange, or vodaphone in the areas i frequent, so im happy on that front. the tarrif prices are DEFINATELY cheaper on O2 and 3 networks, but i dont like any 3 phones, and the coverage on T-mobile really is shocking...... ive got a few mates on it, and wherever we go they end up with no signal :@ its a b*****d....... im the other way round myself and hardly ever text, a phone call is just so much easier...... i get 750 cross net minutes a month, and 150 texts. im 3 weeks into my first month, and things seem to be going well. i dont think ill be running out of minutes or texts by the end of this month, which is great for me, but clearly no use for you.... have a look into some of the student tarrifs, as they seem to all be centred around millions of free texts.... or perhaps a very low O2 tarrif, with £15s worth of text bolt ons..... as for phones, take a look at the new SE W810i, ive just got one, after 6 years on nothing but nokias, and im really loving it! similar to the W800i, but generally better. 2mp camera with auto focus and flash, awesome mp3 player that can take up to a 2gb card (£35 on ebay) comes with REALLY nice inner ear headphones, looks really stylish, good battery life, and everything else you wanted, AND unlike other SE phones, it doesnt have the fecking silly joystick, which is awesome!
  21. its looking ever more likely that ill have a pretty decent bike to ride again by june 3rd even if very little of it is mine now ive just got to hope the mini can make it there!
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