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Prawny Baby

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Everything posted by Prawny Baby

  1. £500.60, sounds pretty average.
  2. thread seems to have died a bit chaps! ill be out riding on the saturday for sure, and on the sunday for a bit if my bikes still alive! looks like a fair few people are comming! anyone who is driving down is welcome to stay at mine, havnt got many beds, but bring a tent and anyone can camp in my garden no worries, its huge, and theres space in the drive for a good 15+ cars. sounds like its going to be a fun ride mainly riding on saturday i think, make that the big one.
  3. i cant figure out how to actually do a move....... i press the keys it says, but nothing really happens..... anyone want to help a stuck prawn?
  4. pah! ive got audi handles too you know
  5. really liked that rossy! the song suited it well you seem to have got LOADS better sinse the last so'ton ride, some impressive gaps there, and the sidehops to thin stuff look great too! how big was that gap you didnt quite make across the steps? looked pretty large! look forward to riding with you again matey, your confidence seems to be in the up!!!
  6. hurry up oily bear, its monday!!!! two weeks solid hard work starts NOW NOW NOW!!!!!!!! get a move on, get it sprayed, and the rest of the million other tasks!
  7. Prawny Baby


    legend Andy P would love you! those two words are about as far seperated as 'fish' and 'reinforced concrete beam'
  8. i know where he lives too those peanuts are mine! salted please
  9. very odd charlie..... im forever snapping bank cards in half, and ive had about 4 or 5 in the time its been linked to my paypal account, and its never not worked!
  10. really Si, tired people dont hit their girlfriends...... drunk people do. if hes drinking too much, and a combination of drinking and tiredness is making him violent, really STOP DRINKING SO MUCH man! i recently quit drinking for a 6 week period from jan 1st to feb 14th, not because i had a drink problem, but because i knew i was drinking FAR too much (5-8pints a day, even when i was just sat at home on the computer) and i wanted to prove to myself that i didnt actually need it, and it had become a habbit, not an addiction! i did it, and it was nowhere near as hard as expected, i even went out to the pub several times with mates, and just drank kaliber, which isnt anywhere near as bad as people imagine! just because your at uni doesnt mean you have to drink, and having this strange problem doesnt mean you have to stop either! just take it easy, dont drink if your tired. most of my friends laughed at me for not drinking or drinking non alcho lager..... but many of them said quietly that they really respected it! sinse my no drinking period, im much happier, have a lot more money, feel physically MUCH fitter, and thinner. i go to bed much earlier, pay attention more in lectures, and lead a generally better life. ive also found that when i do now drink, it has MUCH more effect on me, previously 5pints of strongbow had NO effect on me at all, yet now, 4 cans in and im feeling the effects a lot! so it saves money too!
  11. fair play phill, good response! sorry if it came across as a personal dig, its just the majority of people only have what they see on the forum to go by, it just seems that more could be done on the customer service front sometimes. as at the end of the day, a shops reputation is based entirely on how the seller interacts with the customer, which is why tartybikes have such a good rep!
  12. dont go for the 74kingz one al, all the ones ive seen have been pretty shite in my opinion! chainreaction do a slightly cheaper tensioner thats very like the rohloff now, or just make a bigman style one!
  13. we all know select bikes are shite though........ nothing personal against phill, but the whole select bikes outfit will never be even 10% of what tartybikes have become, its just nowhere near as organised and professional. and all we ever hear is bad service comments.... its an 05 quite obviously.
  14. Deng appears to be planning a world take over..... but other than that, nah. trials is stil slowly splitting itself into two divisions, street, and TGS, but meh, thats been going on for ages. good to have you back charlie
  15. thats havant you halfwit, the otherside of portsmouth! im sure we had this conversation last week but yea, there are loads of us around joe drop me a pm when your comming down and ill give you my mobile number, come meet us on a ride!
  16. i do that too ash, i gap out perfectly straight, going slightly downwards, then at the last minute, somehow the rear wheel just lifts up.
  17. no, dont watch prawn prawn is a fat f**ker who seems to break everything...... so far this year, 3 sets of forks and an echo external BB no happy. but yea, pinch gap, it rocks
  18. going against the rest of the world it seems. that thing is damn right Fugly. its a rancid colour scheme, ugly as hell frame shape, the internal brakes seem like a gimic to me, and ive got a rohloff,and sidehop left. so eccentric drop outs dont interest me at all. it also looks far too plain with no tensioner/brake above the frame, theres nothing to break up its horrible lines. and it just looks like a bmx with big wheels. no thanks let the germans carry on making me cars. let deng make my trials frames.
  19. looking good oily!!!! me and luke are going for a blast this afternoon i hope, if i get his wheel built in time
  20. bashguard.com! MEH! bashguard never compared to daves first site! the legendary site that was...... davetrials.co.uk! fatpants, the 6/11/02 start date you have is from when the server got wiped i believe, and everyone had to sign up again due to some error! the forum had been going a while before then! i joined back in the days of the tenby trials forum, old school!
  21. nope, the petrol wouldnt get anywhere near the engine for some minutes really! think, before the engine, its got to leave the tank, go through the fuel pump, through a fuel filter, both of which are typically under the car, then it has to be pumped UP the bulkhead to the injection system at the top of the head. its then got to go through the engine, be combusted, and come out into the exhaust before it even reaches the lambda sensor! which is the faulty component in the case of contaminated petrol. chances are it would be a good few minutes before any of the fault fuel got anywhere near your exhaust, no matter how low you were! its still a fecking volvo though isnt it grandad?
  22. hmmmmmmmmmmmm, thats very odd then..... all the monty kit ive seen, some of it going years and years back, has always been 31.8mm clamp!
  23. almost certainly a brisa stem, they looked pretty much the same, and were 28.6 clamp.
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