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Prawny Baby

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Everything posted by Prawny Baby

  1. meh. People know the rules, break em, and deal with the consequenses, or pay Danny Tip (he's So hot) for the SM upgrade package, and start a riot safe in the knowledge that you are protected by TF's own equivalent of the masons.....
  2. Agree'd. You chaps are clearly shit hot on your bikes, but leave the video making to someone else next time! Annoying song, annoying dirty lense, the that fu<king fisheye effect makes everything look TERRIBLE. Awesome riding though!
  3. The GT43, modified with the roof buldge so that clarkson could drive it
  4. make it sunday, then everyone can come. Saturday rides are not a pompey thing!
  5. it's pointless though Ross, why go to the trouble of making up CAD drawings and everything, and then having to get it made, which I'm sure will end up costing you more than the £30 or so you need for a hope 200mm rotor and +20!
  6. How about you stop being cheap, buy a hope +20, and a 200mm hope rotor, and stop making annoying threads about pointless shit.
  7. Doman is a jew! I'll edit it and say something nice about Doman when he comes up with the goods.... It's not our fault you're a freaking PED magnet is it mogs!
  8. Doman, no pics pf prawn and the many gaps you took shots of
  9. thank god you've seen the light Gaz! German for dailly, Mini for fun, that's the way it should be for everyone!
  10. I'll see all you homo's in an hour or so! Jack: if you had a car it wouldn't be an issue
  11. I didn't do that! My sig seems to randomly change every month or so
  12. Sounds awesome, I wish I'd been to the exeter one! I'll be there
  13. you've got to think of the knock on effect I'd say. 5 terminally ill people will have 5 families, who have, as sad as it sounds, all come to terms with the fact that their loved one is going to die. If you knock off the woman who just wants to look a bit hotter, imagine the massive effect that could have on her family, her children could turn to drugs, and then kill many more people in a mass crime wave to pay for drugs. they expect her to come out looking nicer, but she comes out in a box? not cool.
  14. saw this on TMF How did they nick a non runner? Flat bed or something? Hope it gets found, it's fairly distinctive.
  15. They have met in ladymead ind est car park for the past year or more since the massive fleet meet we had which got trounced by chavs in mk3 golfs and all sorts of other horrors. Ladymead got too small again in summer and the police started moving us on and shutting half the carpark. I've not been for a few months, but last I heard, it was back at fleet.
  16. I reckon his 1st vid this week was fairly on par too! I agree on the demo comment though, clearly some inspiration comming through from a fair few MAD demos last year!
  17. I wish he was, his posts annoy me greatly. As for bike stolen man, I feel sorry for you I know how it feels after my ashton was nicked from my uni halls a few years ago, but seriously, how could you ever even think of letting an 'old friend' disappear out of your sight on your bike? I wouldn't even let my closest riding mates disappear on my bike. You can never trust anyone else to look after your hard earned stuff better than you will. Have you spoken to your parents about insurance? When my bike was stolen from uni hals, it turned out to be covered by our house contents insurance, despite not being specifically listed on the policy. I got £1900 to spend at tartybikes.
  18. Down south it doesn't even remotely begin to count unles you stay on top of it Anyone who hops onto, and then straight off a sidehop again and thinks it counts will be savagely ridiculed, and rightly so. Dickie, I used to hate the fact that you became better than me, now I laugh because you're better than just about everybody See you tonight, bring beer!
  19. 1. Boumsong - Loughborough 2. Jardo - Basingstoke 3. Robin - Somerset 4. Tom Booth - Nottingham 5. od404 - Daventry 6. Lord Prawn - Portsmouth Looks like the geographical centre of all these places is roughly Fleet services on the M3, how about we meet there every second wednesday of the month.....
  20. I couldn't agree more lads! Where was the Prawn?
  21. I'm not usually so harsh, but. You're a fool, and you're going to fail. Please mate, for the love of god, do some proper research into tunning, learn about what works and what doesn't, and stop trying to bodge things together about which you have absolutely NO knowledge. Cars go fast, and engines spin up to 7000rpm, if something you've bodged lets go at any speed it's either going to do you, or some poor inocent bystander some serious harm. Stop f**king around. It's not a personal thing against you, but it is really annoying.
  22. as I said this morning, awesome vid Dickie! Your style somehow looks much better on the phase, much smoother than on some previous bikes. Really inspiring vid too, makes you want to go out and ride! See you this weekend chap!
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