Meh. I think the term 'alcoholic' is about as relavent these days as the definition of 'binge drinking' It's all a pointless meaningless set of statistics, aimed to scare you into changing your lifestyle. I drink. I don't think I drink THAT much, but my friends will tell you I drink far too much. I rarely get drunk, perhaps once a month. but I drink basicly every day, usually around 4 pints/cans. they have almost no effect on me at all, I don't drink to get pissed, I drink because I happen to really rather like bitter. People judge others on what they can handle themselves, and it's wrong. Just because someone else will be feeling tipsy after 4 cans, doens't mean everyone will. For me, anything up to about 8-10 pints is a fairly social affair, it's only after 8+ I start to feel it really, when some smaller chaps will be smashed by the 8 pint stage. It's the same with driving in many ways, just because 1 person thinks a certain corner is very dangerous and on the limit at 40mph in his ford escort, doesn't mean that doing the same corner at 60mph in a track prepared car is foolish, it may well be nowhere near the limit, but the escort driver will still brand you as a wanker.....