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Prawny Baby

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Everything posted by Prawny Baby

  1. Very, I really like mine, I've been running it since october with no problems at all on the rear! I recently tried one on the front too, but I've decided I prefer a front disc, so I'm selling it again. It's been used for 2 weeks, with a black lever, and it totally unmarked. If you're interested. PM me.
  2. As in the title chaps, I'm bored, and mowgli's being a homo and working. Anybody about anywhere localish today? text me
  3. and the incredibly brown skin.... Have you ever seen mowgli as night? NO. Didn't think so.....
  4. Hey dude, nice bike!!!! When you say the frames kinda old but not been used, where did you get it from? I sold my old hardly used HiFi to a guy in Romania through ebay a few years ago! He didn't have cash at the time, and paid me with about 30 sets of plazmatic brake pads! Wouldn't be the same frame would it?
  5. Cheers for the happy comments guys It somehow looks very slow and lathargic to me, but I guess the droopy song doesn't help! I'll get my HD camera up here at some point, and make a decent vid of a full days riding from all around town
  6. I like it ads, it looks very cool. Although, does the 71.5degree head angle mean it's going to feel really silly with anything other than koxx forks? What's the reach?
  7. if ti was found in 1983, why the f**k has all this only just come to light now?
  8. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm , the ceilling in my front room definately needs painting....
  9. Well, the track ID feature on my phone says it's a tune by Dizzee Rascal and going by this picture which comes up in google image search: I'd say he accurately fits the definition of wog given by Google define
  10. Nice on labrat, really captured the whole fun side of riding too I thought!
  11. My god, I've been robbed. I WANT the last 3 minutes of my life back. they have been stolen from me. I must say, you're clearly good at riding, but the edit was REALLY annoying, full of irritating flashy shit. That wog whining to what some people call music offended me greatly, and the random shit at the end, nobody cares.
  12. I would definately not stand for that at all! If my slave punched me, I'd sack him on the spot.
  13. They left my house about 5ish this afternoon, heading back to kernow. I'd guess he'll probably be home soonish.
  14. seriously, I love men
  15. haha, I can't believe you'd even consider posting this up about a company who's owner is on here all day long answering questions.... Muppet.
  16. Looking good lab rat! Nice bike, nice riding, gay rain.
  17. Really like the new T's Charlie/Sue, put me down for one for sure
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