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Everything posted by Dale-Hill

  1. Dale-Hill

    Norwich 2 man ride

    Sweet!!! But wheres your helmet???
  2. Looks fecking MINT dude Dale
  3. Its personal prefance mate. And use the search there have been many topics on this Dale P.s You capital letter and full stop's and you'll get validated quicker.
  4. Eh! Now am confused who me, new guy or t-rex guy? Dale
  5. Use more description in your post mate, Just saying "I'm new here wont" will not get you validated! If i was you i would edit your topic and add more to this topic like where your from who you are age what bike you have ect. Dale
  6. Hello welcome mate, For bikes look here And for tips look here Any thing else just ask on here. Dale
  7. Looks sweet mate. Much nicer than you echo Dale
  8. No byeing or selling in NMC mate! Read the rules Dale
  9. oh my god Mike you goon, Thats so funny, can't believe you built that up Dale
  10. Hello mate, Good first topic. Read the rules stick to them and you'll be validated in no time. Dale P.S Good look with bike.
  11. Enterd and am going to keep entering till i win. Dale
  12. Hey Danny since i no you like H.T.I.D Thought you might like this site



  13. Well why am i going to bye "trials shoes" When the umbro's are cheaper?
  14. I ride with some cheap umbro one's, Comfier than DC aswell. Dale
  15. Nope its above c.v.h.s. Dale
  16. Dale-Hill

    Dale And Oli

    Hello, Just little natty ride we did to day (bored) Sorry about quality Camera needed new batteries so it was S**T Hope you enjoy Dale Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  17. Dale-Hill


    + Its a repost! Dale
  18. Light sharp grind mate, There so loud amazing bite and hole, Thats your best bet Dale
  19. Dale-Hill


    Same. Its annoying when its raining an i cant ride I have to check door lock aswell my step dad leave the door wide open some times And i carnt get to sleep if my tv isnt on Dale
  20. I just wear DC's so comfy, And light and just nice to ride in Tryed some nike air max but they gave me blisters Dale
  21. http://www.falconmcc.co.uk/maps/nethermoor.htm There you go dude.
  22. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryArived next day, Was all amazing con. A+ Sound lad Given By: missionbikes You were the: Seller Date: 1206648356
  23. I no no money yet though. But getting echo lite's
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