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Everything posted by Dale-Hill

  1. Powerhouse! But i got a bit bored of the skiding and the gaps none stop, other than that it was mint, the end bit made me laugh
  2. I really enjoyed the whole weekend, the only thing I can think of to change is more stuff to ride and a little stall that sell's a few basic bike stuff!
  3. I really enjoyed that! Editing was good and riding was mint!
  4. Adam is improving loads from when he was doing the Falcons trials! Dale
  5. WTF! That was actually amazing! That water drop was fooking nuts!
  6. That my dear friend it fooking sexy!! What's it like going from DD to maggy? And i'm supprised you went dual maggy!
  7. :D just spent £150 on my bike at tarty.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dale-Hill


      Some trial tech pedals

      2 viz rotors

      tarty multi tool

      and a new chain

    3. Mark W

      Mark W

      Cool. Funnily enough, just picked it now...

    4. Dale-Hill


      Haha :D sweet!

  8. Frame and forks = win but the green jsut kills it :/
  9. I had one on my commencal Dh bike and it was close then, and there wider than a trials frame
  10. You can but when it rains it kind of point less having the grind as the groves are filled with tar.
  11. Riding was fooking huge and insane! But to be honest I wouldn't say it's the best video i've ever seen, the music spoilt it for me
  12. It's used on rim brakes to make the brake that little bit better. All you do is apply a little bit of tar to the surface of the rim.
  13. I may pop up on sat if I can get a lift up there
  14. Grr! why is it so shit for riding by me :/

    1. Duncy H

      Duncy H

      Come down our way (Y)

    2. Dale-Hill


      I might just start doing that!

  15. Another rider gone RIP man My thoughts and wishes go to his family. RIP Gav!
  16. Same Bet you are! You'll have the time of your life there you wont want to come back i bet
  17. If it starts but only for a little amount of time just keep kicking it till it ticks over by it's self
  18. You can't a moderator has to do it for you
  19. I might have to come and pop up sound like a good turn out! Don't take my word for it though as i'm broke
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