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stunt man t

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Everything posted by stunt man t

  1. but the back wheel allways goes underneath me and i fall on my back i dont go UP?
  2. I wasnt going to ask but its driving me mad I cant seem to get the hang of when to release the brake and kick when im jumping up when i keep the brakes locked i can do about 5 pallets but i want to progress and get higher none of the regular riders i ride with are too fussed about sidehops so i cant ask them and ive watched loads of videos on about every site possible but still cant get it would really appreciate it if someone could help me out thanks in advance
  3. bet there not really for people who land on there bash/cranks and pedals like meeeeeeeee
  4. i ride to work everyday of the year on my 26" trials spec(ish) DDG shooter, 20t frt cog, rigid forks etc the journey is 8 miles each way and takes about an hour each way i put lights on in the winter and take them off in the summer, and hop on things as i go buy them, specially on the way home im not really botherd about other stuf apart from a seat, gears for the hills and lights so lazy car drivers can see me (but sometimes dont work as ive bin knocked off it before )
  5. its a sealed system it doesnt matter, 1 side could be 2cm long and the other could be 2ft long it would still work the same
  6. or use a sainsburys carrier bag underneath normal tape looks like this
  7. i dont see whats wrong with the Echo parts apart from the rear pads
  8. googled it and people use 80w/90 gear oil not too keen on the wynns stuff as it thickens i might use the royal blood
  9. ive got some 'wynn's' clear lube, for chains and its ptfe enhanced so that should be fine?
  10. i dont have any 3 in 1 oil though what else could i use mate? ive got loads of royal blood
  11. Trowser snake ive got 1 of them but he only has 1 eye...
  12. i forgot about that i can do it tomorrow now yay!! what 'click' freewheel is this? 36? 60? 96?
  13. look whats on face book... ive never laughed so hard in all my life.... panties and videos :) loooool https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=446025712129713&set=a.407898919275726.93006.407896685942616&type=1&theater¬if_t=photo_reply

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. trials owns

      trials owns

      id have a crack at that!

    3. dann2707


      She would f**king consume me

    4. MadManMike


      The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin'

  14. if its good enough for the bush tucker trial its good enough for him
  15. maybe it was fahrenheit i cant remember my temperature dial just read numbers and didnt mention 'c or 'f :lol;
  16. yh they have to be at about 80'C in the day then you turn it down a little bit at night
  17. yh didnt realise lol till after oh well atleast its ok
  18. 15'c is way too cold i had a royal python for years, he had to be kept about 60'c at night thats defo a corn snake you can tell by the shape of him give him plenty of water and take him to a reptile shop asap!
  19. good ride today.. now time for food and beer :)

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