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stunt man t

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Everything posted by stunt man t

  1. updated with brand spanking shiny rear wheel, never seen it before though. what u think?
  2. hi to all! ive just changed my wheel,# and now, all of a sudden, the drive side chain tug gives way, snaps, and looses tension, when i kick! if u look u can see its very bent! has anyone else had this problem? or does anyone no how to solve it, im using onza ones at the moment, brand new and old, it snapped em both PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!
  3. it was the burberry hat that started it off, i think, u had to have loads of money to afford burberry until they made the hat, everyone could afford it
  4. well ive got mi9ne done, and my nipple and i aint gay, most girls think its cool, defo girl catcher, get it done!!!
  5. i would sell it.... bout 50 quid mark, it is an excellent frame ride well nice, BUT........ cant get bb out, and rear end is sratched, but if your still interested pm me
  6. :lol: youre a ####! your not funny mate, if u did have wheel to give away for free it would of gone by now!!! i tryed to give away some tar but couldnt even give it away..... y would u give me a rim for free???? dont make sence! was finking though.... would of swoped you youre rim for this frame (slinger proto) but dont think id bother now
  7. you being serious??? dont get paid til then so if it was free id be well happy
  8. its not funny cus i cant afford a new one for 3 weeks..... what am i gonna do??? onza is s##t its official!!
  9. bin riding today and this happend i new something wasnt right when i landed but never thought it was as bad as this now im so p###ed because i cant afford a new one for 3 weeks
  10. id say get a braided 1 mate just imagine.... u get the raceline one then catch it the next day, ud be guttard! braided hoses are indistructable, so ive bin told
  11. £38???? it cost me £25 with new pads i think it does ride better, probably cus its bin bleeded and not the braided hose though
  12. my tpro does ride loads better now ive got that braided hose on it, snaped the f'ing chain today...... well p-ed off!
  13. ill be there...... just after 12.30, im working up until then cant make monday, unless u make it after 5.30pm
  14. im up for sunday mate, and saturday! not riding for long cus im planing on getting smashed in town and need to have shower shave etc
  15. before they put that stupid ice rink on there, ive bin there for like 3 hours! its cool there though, must of met 10+ trials riders in the square, its just limited to what u can do on it, police or no ploice
  16. the fountain was off and has been since saturday, but that would of been funny it was on
  17. well, i can get bout 4 pallets high with the bike, but i keep putting my foot down, so i suppose that dont count does it
  18. just after i landed, i turned and saw a copper walking rather sharpish towards me, holding his hand out and shouting "stop, come hear" ive made the mistake before by waiting for him to get next to me, giving me a lecture then a 30 quid fine, that wasnt gonna happen again so i rode off before he got near me, he chased me but i was riding down hill, and the fat over weight pig couldnt catch me, ha ha
  19. im 100% up for saturday mate, working till 12.30 though so could meet in square just after, was riding in square today for half an hour.... untill the police came to slap a fine on me so i rode off
  20. i was out and about yesterday, with 2hammered untill i snapped my maggie fixed it today though
  21. and the writings back-to-front! ha ha
  22. ive got an angle grinder, and ive ground the rim. but most people i no use both
  23. it cost about 27 quid from B&Q, had to roll it home as it was way too heavy, lol, tuck me ages! cheers for the tip mate ill try that! i allways bring some with me to rides now, so if u ride notts ill give u some
  24. im up for any weekend mate, dunno where the forest tram stop is though... do u mean forest road??? let me no and ill be there
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