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stunt man t

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Everything posted by stunt man t

  1. im struggling to tension the chain on my t-pro 06 i bought some monty snail cams, but only just tuch the bolt and the chains slacker then anything and with my old onza tugs they just come loose every time i ride does anyone no how to tention the chain? or any tips on how to keep it tensioned? thanks everyone
  2. yeah i noticed this aswell not even on the website or anything i want one, but dont no where to go now, any ideas???
  3. i ride in any weather, because i use my bike to get to work and places but if im trialsing, aslong as its not wet, then i ride wind dont bother me as i think it helps me to practise my balance
  4. thanks mate ive just worked out if i replace my existing components with lighter ones i could save about 1.1kg so i dont want to make it heavier by getting a hevyer frame otherwise there wont be any point replacing the parts i have allready
  5. hey im just thinking of getting a new frame, i currently use a onza t-pro 06 model, i want my new one to be just as light or lighter but go no idea how much it weighs any posts will b greatly appreciated
  6. i broke one of my spokes weekend before last and then another a day after then today 3 more snaped but im still riding till either they all snap or i get the money to rebuild it
  7. this was ment to be a funny topic 'muel' but uve taken it 2 serious everyone noes its a stock i think :$ it shouldnt matter if its in the wrong section and some one from tarty will see this topic and then fix it sorted?
  8. surprissed no one has noticed it? or told tarty
  9. i just noticed this i thought it was a stock surely tartybikes cant be wrong? onza limey
  10. ill be there people 12 on the dot! as normal
  11. ayup mate seeing as my girlfriend isnt talking to me im going to be riding sunday mate # defo!!! rather ride her, but because i cant ill be riding my bike usual place yeah? ill be there at 12 anyone else?? josh, youre bike is mint mate just wish i rode it last week :$ come on people, its notts, plenty of gaps/walls and of corse woman, just incase u get bored riding? you got some thing to look at
  12. ill be there mate im not working this saturday oh yeah josh, u can show me that gap you was on about
  13. thanks for that mate it was only done on phone's we got a proper video recorder so will get a better video by next weekend hopefully
  14. i have no idea what program my mate used to edit it? ask him.... skills on this forum? i think its realy good as well, love th 'grand finaly bit' lol too bad it ain't got amazing riding like other videos on the forum then again we've only bin riding for 10/14 months so what do u expect?
  15. wheres that? :$ we probably do mate to be honest, we ride every where thanks for the comment mate it was just a random video we put together after a ride
  16. what the hell? i posted this video over a week ago and its only just worked does anyone else have this problem? happened before aswell? i no its a laim video, but it was just a mess about what do u think?
  17. right, im 23 on the 28th of august me and my mates want to ride some where differet to notts geting bored of the same lines every week :$ so we want to travel some where but not 2 far i.e leicester/birmingham was just woundering if anyone will be riding then to show us the ropes and places that the city has to offer? will be bringing some of tar for the ride if anyone wants some? and by some i mean loads and some cake too
  18. ive been asked a simular question? i answered "about 40.5 mph" they said "realy???" stupid chavs
  19. hurray! you finaly got it built up well done mate what do you think to the frame i sold you? was i right? good pics to mate
  20. stunt man t

    notts ride

    Title: notts ride Music: Duration: 00:53 seconds Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Summary
  21. i never new that thanks man
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mtdn6aWFxz4...feature=related i no this is an old video but when i saw it it maid me feel i cant do that now i bet he is a mint rider now any ideas who it is?
  23. this might help mate no need to thank me
  24. im not an expert at trials, but what has that got to do with saving weight?? are only pros allowed to have light bikes?? "sorry sir, but i cant sell u this bike because you arnt very good" dont make sence i just want i light bike and was after ideas
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