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stunt man t

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Everything posted by stunt man t

  1. ill be riding tomorrow mate 12 at the square yh?
  2. yh no problem mate where is everyone meeting? i got sum tar 4 every one and youre brake mate
  3. i no mate i hope so aswell just got a hd video recorder aswell should be a good ride and well have awesum footage of it 2
  4. probably about 11-12 mate near the trainstation or the market square but ill b awake and ready from 10ish it depends where u no in notts and if you havnt rode where we no?
  5. what time mate? 07900213710 just incase
  6. i got a spoke key if you need one matey and a angle grinder
  7. yh no probs mate i got far to much so be glad to get ride of it +1 i live in the meadows which is a 10 minute walk away from the city centre
  8. yeah no problem matey i got loads of it and for any one else who wants some just ask
  9. good but to be honest mate im gonna ride what ever the weather is like cus i aint rode for ages and i need 2 any body else ???
  10. just wondering if any one wants to ride nottingham on the 18th of january? i havnt rode for a while due to the cold weather but a few mates want to ride next week so if anyone else wants to join us then there more then welcome meet up at the train station about 11/12??
  11. cheers for the tip mate im doing it now but its not going 2 well but im not gona give up til its done
  12. hello people right i got my spokes from tarty bikes and im ready to rebuild my rear wheel im looking at the wiki about building wheels but noticed its 4 cross and the spokes are cut to 3 cross so when they space out each spoke do i miss out 2 holes, between each spoke?
  13. ill b out this saturday after work say about 1ish??? i got 12 spokes missing off my back whell but hey
  14. yeah thats the one mate is everyone still riding? its wet but the suns out
  15. ill be out then mate. aslong as i no if were riding for defo? ill contact skillz and c if hes riding how do u no him?
  16. i dont no whos riding matt wont aswer his phone tobius might be riding right im off now, gotta sort my bike out quickly then im in town c'you guys :thumbsup:
  17. to be honest mate, whats at county hall? im gonna b in town, square at 11 tez, are u going to be there?
  18. count it done mate and the weathers looking pretty good today
  19. does it matter? as long as u get rid of useless metal its all good
  20. ill be there mate ill b in square at 11 ok? unless tonight goes well then i might stay in bed
  21. and muel please dont start an arguemnet thats all u seem to do my posts but thanks for the advice mate much appreciated
  22. ok matey will try it just wana see what happens when i get some different cams the distance between centre hole of hub bolt and centre of snail cam bolt is approx 27mm so need cam that size?? monty is 20mm to biggest part what cam should i need? fingers crossed p*****g me off not evr got it tnesioned since the day i got it will it make the engage ment better? cus if the chain is tight? surely its dont move as fay before the freewhell and rear sprocket engage
  23. the chain is quiet new (a month old) but if i take a link out it wont fit on my bike think i might just get different snail cams
  24. ha ha thanks mate just not happy cus only just bought the monty ones oh and validate this guy please!
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