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stunt man t

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Everything posted by stunt man t

  1. aye? what i ment was the BB doesnt have any cups.... i thought people would notice that easier then how a wheel is built
  2. bought it off tartybikes why do you ask?
  3. dont you think its missing something? ali c recommended 1 plus i havnt seen a bad report on 1 anyway? and to be honest i think the bb's problem is more noticeable then the dodgy wheel build
  4. blaim the weather and the tiny problem of...err... i didnt have a bike? lmao tis nearly summer afterall
  5. when i received the parts off tarty to build it i rang them as i wasnt 2 sure how to do a 1x and they told me 2 do it like this, and they didnt have the lenghts for that rim/hub setup for a radial build only a 1x so i cudnt build radial? im more concernd about the BB as the wheel works
  6. not like we did believe him by the evidence that it wasnt but i believe most people on here like to see damage from what trials riding does, like face plants etc... its not even a prototype, its a 2005 t-bird with a thin layer of nitromors on it title should be changed to 'what happens when you stupid weight weenies try drilling/cutting and choping youre bike'
  7. on another note i cant believe no-one hasnt noticed the reset BB in the first pic
  8. forget what he rides and the spec of his bike is if you get a proper bike with 20/19" wheels youll ride better then him plus his style is more streety then trialsy so if you wanna b a proper trials rider youll forget about him
  9. when i saw the topic i thought it was gonna b a new onza proto like the 1 im getting but if im honest it looks like the damage caused by the drop gap cudnt of done all the abuse u can see its had..., did the drop just snap it?? P.S. nice rockman
  10. i dont see it well the fade anyway looks nice dude
  11. wicked hope u get it fixed mate just pm me saturday nyt/sunday morning to let us no
  12. i think the colour scheme match perfectly exept the yellow slaves if you strip them to silver it will be
  13. tensile cranks fit but there not very good
  14. thanks mate nah i tryed it before this way and the head in spokes wudnt tension, and the head out spokes did
  15. got about 4 so far just thought wed see if any one else wanted to ride notts on sunday? can arrange where to meet if enough interest..... well probably be in the market square around 12
  16. well ive never ever seen a 1x wheel build before so it could be wrong?? but the spokes are tensioned equaly and its true so i wont worry about it
  17. im with you on that 1 as you can see it only crosses once i understand what you mean mate, but i thought the head inwards spokes go under the head outwards spokes?? thats what it says on all the guides on how to lace wheels
  18. its a 1x wheel build i recon it look funny due to the angle the pic is taken but then again ive never seen a 1x build before so it might be wrong all the spokes are at equal tension so i think its correct?
  19. i love that sound what ever it is i want 1
  20. i wanna see it i hate getting exited for nothing
  21. well we will see wont we im being as fast as i can, tell my boss to pay me more
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