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stunt man t

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Everything posted by stunt man t

  1. loved the line at 2:34 its a Silver Sky and a Sky 2?
  2. im 26 and all the people i rode with were like 15 and i work in the motor trade, people i work with saying 'grow up get a car' etc, but i rode for the enjoyment (as i assume everyone does) but i gave up sold my bike.... but missed riding so building one again...... i could of stopped for any of them reasons and 1 did make me stop but im starting again even though im not very good, im old, no-one really to ride with.... BUT I DONT CARE!! i wanna ride.... i guess if you dont wanna ride anymore or something crops up , for what ever reason/problem it is..... you quit but if you love it you carry on no matter what life throws at you
  3. you might recognise some of these places??? yhhh my profile pics from that uni campus and theres some near beeston not far from that aswell cant wait for summer :D
  4. i thought it was you cus i seen your 320 with them red grips, but didnt wanna say just incase, i had a black vw work fleece on, just finished work...as soon as my bikes done mate ill message you, need to ride aint rode for over a year we used to have loads of us meet every sunday (atleast 6 / 20 max) was really good back in the day ill try get in contact with em
  5. hahaha i stud next to you in the workshop while chris was doing summet, and Ryan was sorting me out theres loads of places to ride mate ill show you some when my bikes done, plus the parks nearly done at rocknroll aint it? we need to go ampi-theatre ampi-theatre, courts, ncc building opposite waterfront/lloyds bar/ spuare/ back of 'the royal hotel'/ uni in town where the benches are/ another bit behind that/ capital one rails/ bbc building/ etc etc etc etc
  6. neither can i lol i just wanna ride
  7. taking longer then i thought otherwise i would of just waited then put a pic up of the whole bike this is where im at with it so far..... Just need Rear brake and wheel and its done
  8. my bikes ready in a few weeks just need:- rear wheel rear brake freewheel
  9. ive got loads if you want some?
  10. my mate had a 2.6 audi 200 automatic, used to put it in 2nd gear at the lights and it beat anything, lambos, ferraris..... and as for the mk1 golf u should just service it and it be fine...
  11. the line at 1:36 was mint wish i could ride like that love how u can still here the brakes
  12. take it apart, turn every nipple the same turns all the way round and it should be fine?
  13. i live in meadows mate... ill let u no when my bikes built we can ride then, use to have over 10 riders living local ;)

  14. probably a re-post but hey, some amazing riding
  15. This is why he is easily the best rider
  16. i bet it was made here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-tmN4vk4oQ
  17. nearly every hole has paint in the centre of the grind where its not bin done properly i could return it, they said i could, but its to much rastle and the next one might not be any better?? +1 always
  18. Tarty bikes i rang them and they said i could return it if i wanted to but im going to keep it
  19. yes mate i mean there close to the edge (left to right) there about 2mm away from the hole
  20. hi all, so this is just a moan about the Echo SL 2012 20" rim i bought recently i was expecting them to be made brilliantly as they cost a lot more then other rims but once i got it and looked closely at it it looks like a drunken 2 year old has taken the TR rim and used an angle grinder on it... take a look most of the holes are not even straight they have curves in the middle the spoke holes arn't even in the centre and the grinded bits around the edges arn't even neat and it still has 'burs' hanging off it (look at the last drilled hole and you can see a blob of metal) i should of just bought a TR rim and did it myself because thats what it looks like, and for the money i would of expected it to be made a lot better But apparently there all like that so im going to keep it im very disappointed to be honest Rant over
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