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    Norco Manifesto

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mehukatti's Achievements

Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. When will the 26" Inspired frame be released that Ali has been riding? And geo?
  2. What's the wheelbase with that fork?
  3. 26" version! The market is currently missing a modern 26" street trials bike.
  4. Check out this vid if you want to see the Manifesto in action: http://vimeo.com/3993171 (just don't mind the level of riding and quick edit, both are not very good..)
  5. You hit the nail there. Current trials riders seem to have forgotten those times, or maybe most didn't even ride back then. I think the biggest reason for trials getting much smaller over the last five years or so, is because the bikes have become so specialised that ordinary people don't really associate them with normal bikes in any way. And on the other hand, riders in other diciplines often don't want to try out trials because the bikes are so freakish, almost impossible to sell if you get bored with it (atleast where I live) and you basically need a car to get from spot to spot in many cases. Meanwhile BMX has grown a lot. As far as I know, there are maybe five active trials riders in Helsinki and surrounding area, with about one million inhabitants.
  6. Can't believe that stuff is possible without brakes, as it would be quite impressive even WITH brakes. Now I'm just waiting when his brakeless phase is over, because he will then be even more impressive. Btw, it's a shame that there has been no Akrigg 26" signature frame sold by any of his current/previous frame/bike sponsors. For example, the titanium signature frame from Charge was never mass produced or sold to public. The world needs more modern 26" street trials frames than Norco Manifesto.
  7. Yeah, wonder where he gets all the persistence and motivation. I would like to have some of it. Two hours in cold, rain, grey weather, just grinding one line. But I like Ryan Leech and Chris Akrigg. Last pros who are keeping oldschool street trials alive. Looking forward to their next videos.
  8. mehukatti


    Some people will always be better at it than the rest of us. They may have bigger amount of fast muscle fibers, better coordination, balance and body control. But I think more important is whether you are having fun on your bike and personal progression. If you are not having fun, then why ride at all? And when talking about personal progression, there are many strategies for overcoming problems. Like if you can't nail those taps, you could forget them for a while and concentrate on other techniques. You could even forget the "must do bigger and bigger stuff every day" attitude for a while and ride some small but tricky stuff.
  9. Why almost all the current street trials frames are 24-inch? Like Inspired, 24UK, etc. How hard it would be for these manufacturers to make a 26" frame with similar properties (seat tube, street geometry). I think there are a lot of people who would like to build a modern street trials bike, but don't want to go the 24" route. I think for a modern street trials bike, the wheelbase should be 1050-1055mm ie. a bit longer than on old school bikes (like Zebdi etc.).
  10. mehukatti


    I like how he is still sticking with old school street trials style (on a 26"), doing unique moves, and pushing it forward by still releasing new videos on his web site.
  11. Maybe you just haven't found good and quiet places to ride, where there are no people watching while you are learning some moves.
  12. While the suggested remedies may work well, one option is to buy Fibrax Semi Metallic Plus or EBC Red pads. Both make a HUGE difference in braking power compared to almost any 'stock' pads.
  13. Just buy the Chris King Hub Toolset or borrow it from someone. It is one of the most complex set of special tools for a bike. Why f**k up a high end rear hub. http://www.ridefree.fi/pics/rf450.jpg http://www.ridefree.fi/pics/rf451.jpg
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