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sir koxxy

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Everything posted by sir koxxy

  1. erm well i bought 1 of my friend for £5 and the other i bought of ebay a while ago for £15 but i had to get a wheel build. i must admit though i think they a realy stronge rims, i have no problems as in eggs of major buckles. (they can take a beating ) look on tartybikes.co.uk they have some. hope its some help to you
  2. on mine i have front and rear ronnie`s. good strong rims :D
  3. i would say that the easy way out is a new bottom bracket.
  4. see, now thats a true giant lover haa. i would never dare rub my giant frame down think i would cry . is any one going to the peterbourgh ride on 2nd of march with a giant???
  5. wow. do you know if he still rides it then???. or has he quite and moved on to other things now?? To new viewers of this topic, i would like to see. if you have a giant upload a picture and let us giant lovers see what you have cheers boggy
  6. so his was just the real thing and the 500 were replicas then???
  7. it may be obvious but what number frame did Martin hawyes ride?
  8. sorry mate. just didnt get any replys so thought the topic was a bit pointless. :$ Well i put it in my rear tekro and it feels ok. had no problems with it so far. but this is on a saracen xile. in my opinion its works fine.
  9. dude thats a levelboss 1100. i got the same 1. i would say its worth around £350 . looks quite nice to.
  10. hello have a word with curly-echo-control. he`s got a mint 1

  11. wow!. you should chop the seat post down a tad. i have . what back rim is it??
  12. is there any one who can verify how many engagments these hubs have?????
  13. mate you have got to put a pic up on this topic. please.
  14. ow rite, ha. neva heard that one befor. quick question, does any one know what type of raise on my stem i should have, at the minute ive got a onza pz31 with a 7 degree rise. i wont something with a little more rise. what should i go for do you think??
  15. "some one has nicked your seat mate" or if its my giants "why have you got a butt plug for a seat"
  16. Must agree, i know it will seem daft but i love it, lot of modern riders maybe wont but its my cup of tea, but with the exception of the stem by the way what is TGS riding ??
  17. ow, well i think i might try it, at the end of the day the hub its self is going to cost me a maxium of £10.
  18. yea, add me on guitarman13@hotmail.co.uk. ill speak to you on there matey.
  19. Ha, not for sale mate. carnt really say on here, ill get in trouble .
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