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Everything posted by Headley

  1. Tape measure? I'm not being sarcastic by the way.
  2. Headley

    small ride

    could do with quicker editing if u want the song to go with the vid/or a change of song? helmet?
  3. I'd like to have a go at making my own brake pads but i'm not entirley shure what they are made out of. I know that they are generally made from polyurethanes but I don't know any examples and where I maight be able to get hold of them? Also how are pads made?
  4. Tartybikes sell monty cranks as singles. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/category.php?id=11
  5. Headley

    Ben Lazenby - GU mod

    Awesome vid there. Your sides are huge and that drop gap at loading bay :o. Does cockshott have any shame?
  6. Some good riding but I have to agree with lab rat, your style isn't the best.
  7. If you were going to buy the echo I would suggest the long, the wheel base is 1025. As for the zoo it depends on if you like a long frame because the short is 1030 and the long 1045. I'm 5' 9" and the wb on my bike is 1035 which is perfect for me.
  8. If your looking for a mech hanger your best bet is to ring up tartybikes and ask If they have any mech hangers that'll fit an onza woodstock. The phone number is on this page. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/ Im not sure about bb hight but I think the headset should be 11/8". Again I'd ring tarty and ask them. As for your build it depends on how much u've got to spend.
  9. Headley

    Natural 01 -CLS

    cheers danny, I hadn't seen this vid before.
  10. It looks better the way it was, it's a bit of mix match of colours.
  11. Headley

    Natural Training

    Mint vid, especially love the gaps to front.
  12. Ebay is the obvious place to buy a cheap bike from. For a first trial bike if I were you i'd go for an Onza T-pro.
  13. Headley

    Damon Video 7

    I don't care how many times people have said it/are going to that was immense it's just untrue. Huge respect to you.
  14. Cnc backings give a much firmer feel to the brake and also pad wear is more even. If u've got cash I suggest investing in a pair.
  15. It can take a day up to maybe 2 years. It depends on what you post not just how often, meaningless threads don't get you anywhere. Best thing to do is to stick the rules and try to help people out the best you can.
  16. Everyone who's saying non of the parts look original you're right but non of them are ment to be. They're just first designs and I would change most of them. As for the booster I know it has been done before and I thought I would give it a go, it's the one I'm deffintaly going to make so i'll get some picture up when it is done. I'm going to get it made at school so it's going to be free so no problems there. Ive just finished designing some cranks, they're nothing like what I wanted them to be. So what do you think? (just remember i'm not going for originality)
  17. Cheers for all the comments guys. I know non of the parts look top quality but they're alrite I guess.
  18. I'm only going to be making one so it's going to be measured to fit an 05 zoo python.
  19. If u mean i'ts not long enough to clear the tyres i know, they're not proper dimesions. It's ment to be a booster with intergrated top mounts if anyone is wondering what it is.
  20. I've got Pro/Desktop on my computer so I thought I'd have a go at making a few parts. Most of them arn't measured to fit and I've designed quite quickley. I'm thinking of actually making them so I'll put up some pics of when they're done. Please comment and tell me what you think.
  21. This vid makes me want to ride. Really enjoyed that. =)
  22. Headley

    April '08

    brilliant riding, some pretty big stuff there
  23. Ebay is probably your best option.
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