I know this is a bit late but it's still a good joke. A group of women today shaved their pubic hair in support of the Obama campagne . In a statment they said "read our lips, no more bush".
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I will deffinatly buy one of these if it can accommodate my current brake setup. What's the distance between the centre of the vee mount and the top magura mount?
I had this problem once or twice. Clamp the metal rod in a vice and and unscrew the red dial so that the rod is left in the vice. If you cant undo it with your fingers try using a pair of plyers. Then check that the threads are alrite inside the red dial and try putting it on again; make shure that it goes on dead straight.
There are 3 parts; red dial and 2 black 'covers'. Just push them from the top (when your looking down on the lever). They should just fall out then. Edit: Have you taken out the metal rod first? You need to do that before you can remove the red dial.
They're meant to go inbetween the lever and the lever body but I couldn't fit them in when I had maggies so I just didn't use them. If just one of the washer will fit you might aswell put it in.