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Everything posted by WIGAN

  1. WIGAN


    spesh you shit asss
  2. WIGAN


    ...and another ten days
  3. awwwww f**k i love you cotty ride soon please youve got a hot mum too
  4. your f**king wank. i hate you peace
  5. faaakin ell rossy looks even better full screen, cant belive that.love you meng, lmao matt is that just standard now!!??? you say it like 60 timesa mounth
  6. to be honest i would worry more about how wide it is imeen if its 3 mill thick but an inch wide it needs to strech an inch an half but if its 1.5 mill but like 3 inch wide it aint gunna strech atall my maxxis one DH tube is beast
  7. nice one ross, is that sams old one?
  8. Alright leds, gunna be heading down south for work purposes from mid October ish till next year so i can bring my bike along and ride nights or and weekends, stopping in the Bognor Regis area but i can travel of course. 07909578395,my number if you want to contact me !
  9. doesnt sound like it needs a bleed to be fair why would it, just sounds to me as its a bit spongey, what pads are you running im guessing there pretty soft
  10. thats sick! its how the onza scull should have looked like lol
  11. i think he means the spring retainer that stops the spring just flapping about, if so any will fit just rob one off your mums mountain bike
  12. the compressor idea sounds rite beast just dont get in the way when it fires out lol, gunna try that my self. BTW cotty you make the most pointless topics ever rofl
  13. white looks pretty pimp, probably like 2-250 all depends on what the buyers willing to pay though doesnt it.
  14. http://www.alansbmx.com/product_info.php?c...roducts_id=2962 still got your front sprocket problem though
  15. if that dont work then your only other option will be to uncrew the lock ring then remove the other teeth, all the innards like bearings and pawls and things of the like then clamp the freewheel body directly into the vice and take a scaff tube to it.
  16. maybe you could take all your pawls an springs out of your hub and swap them over making into a LHD hub, but then youd still have the problem of your front sprocket unscrewing
  17. well yeah i can understand that but cracking on the grub screw barrel lol, bring back the 04s
  18. to be honest magura are bastards when it comes to warranty, my mates lever blatantly cracked right along the grub screw bit through no fault of his own still under warranty time and they wouldnt replace it. your best bet is to get it off to tarty i reckon they'll replace it if you tell them what happened
  19. yeah go full factory DK style and put requiem for a dream and greyscale too
  20. lmfao thats epic as f**k bike just blatently shits itself underneath you. yeah bens hooks can snap scaff tubes so your trusty ol' urbans stood no chance
  21. WTF how can you say something like that, except for that little bit at the end that was pretty much all TGS yet everyone rips TGS riders to f**k and then you just come out with a comment like that your all just a bunch of hypocrites !! That aside nice one kiddo keep up the good work
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