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  • Birthday 06/29/1990

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  • Real Name
    adam hilton
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    GU BIKE trialtech,echo,zoo,hope, ADAMant tank bike

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    ....(TRIALS)<br />KFC <br />tunes<br />opposite sex (and jmc)
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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. WIGAN

    jack chinnery

    mass improvment huge riding
  2. this was on here last summer forgot his name though
  3. f**king beast will, dunno how you dont have a major sponsor by now your getting well good, i wanna come up newcastle aswell before you go away
  4. WIGAN

    A1 Barggeeee

    update fort slags
  5. if you just take the plate off and have a ring thers a lot less pressure on that crack than with one
  6. should be ok for a while most mod frames crack there, what frame is it??, take the bashplate off and put a ring on the cranks too should help it last a little longer.
  7. rs7's have been on sale for about 15 years
  8. one of the nices 24's out there proper have a thing for those frames atm i want 96 ep in my pro 2 but i dont want 96 stitches in my face when it blows up bet it sounds amazing though, and why the need for a tensioner when its horizontal dropout ?
  9. same sorta thing, yeah just tighten them up, itl probably do it a few times before its bedded in fully
  10. yeah spokes flex and stretch slightley thats why they come loose
  11. spokes on new wheels always come loose in the first couple of rides because they arn't stretched yet, just go round your rim and tigheten all of your nipple up equally a little at a time or your rim will be out of true, remember aswell that your looking at the thread from underneath on the nipples so anti clockwise is to tighten
  12. f**kin bail ouuut mateee, wtf is ali doing on that second clip
  13. next thing chinerys got plimmies and a mushroom cut, nice siddles babe we riding this weekend ??
  14. all the new deng stuff is so crap and weak , if its an 06 0r 07 your ok.
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