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Everything posted by Skoze

  1. That's not too bad dude - we'll have to hook up for ride n' beer; might alleviate the situation a bit!
  2. Don't beat around the bush mate, just be straight up. Spending time with someone and then having them sit on their phone is f**king irritating.
  3. Where in London are you, orge?
  4. Get working, get fitter, sort out the current bizarre situation with 'er indoors, put Capri engine back together and in the right place, drive that through Europe a bit, visit Sam Nichols, ride once a week minimum, stop being miserable, make more of an effort with mum and sister, play some gigs.
  5. I love how brazen they were with it - impressive something produced and backed by such massive companies can get that past their lawyers. I thought it was brilliant.
  6. Skoze

    24" tyres

    I ride enough to know what a shit tyre feels like Diggers and RTs were both a pile of wank, hence why I switched out to Holy Rollers circa 2011. I somehow can't imagine there's been a huge improvement since I last enjoyed foldy sidewalls and pinch flats.
  7. Skoze

    24" tyres

    Motos over Holy Rollers? Trolololololololololol
  8. Skoze

    New Bike!!!

    I'm with Luke - have you taken a bump on the head recently? Not sure on the look of a seated frame so low-slung, seems to be a bit confused in terms of what it wants to be, but if it rides alright then fair enough; what's the geo?
  9. The one good thing about being home is that I get to catch up with my old friends. This week it's been decided that there will be a sequel to Chunky Nelson's debut album. https://myspace.com/chunkynelsonmusic/
  10. The main reason of this bike being built is to get everyone to the boozer, so I wouldn't worry too much.
  11. Sorry mate, I just had to express how I felt. Fully keen for a ride when i've remembered how to do it - everything feels familiar but completely alien and i'm also incapable of riding for more than 5 minutes without needing a breather
  12. That's right; i've got a bicycle. This bike is the reason I sold my Leeson. Way back when, I remember hearing about a mystery new steel thing that was being tested by Inspired, and when I finally hooked up with my boys I had a little pedal on it and just couldn't enjoy the 609 anymore. I've been off two wheels for a very long time owing to one thing or another, but through some serious generosity it's time to get rolling again. The front tyre won't stay on the rim and i'm yet to put any cassette spacers on (or a lock ring, I live my life on the edge) but just playing in the street for 20 minutes reminded me what it was all about, and it rides almost exactly how I remembered - aka f**king unbelievably nicely. Spec; Frame: 2012-ish Forks: Expensive Bars + Stem: High Grips: Needledick Cranks: Scratched Wheels: Two Brakes: Mate they're pricey alright. http://youtu.be/uuFGbxpLg94 Might get brakes one day, also got a King steelset to go in if I can ever be arsed but that's about it.
  13. Skoze

    Cocky TMS 2

  14. Nothing quite like spreading the load to make it weaker.
  15. Skoze

    Plenty Harmonium

    Really really nice dude - best Aphex Twin track as well, good choice! Agree with the others, just makes me wanna go ride some bikes.
  16. If it's so easy, go do it? I thought it was f**king funny - anyone who can't see the humour in a biketrials homage to This Is Spinal Tap complete with a Rob Halford cameo lives in a world I don't want to be a part of. When the jack gets plugged into the crank bolt... My sides are still in the stratosphere.
  17. Had a in a Corsa guy get proper lairy with me on the M25 last week, hanging out his window calling me a wanker and asking for a fight because I needed to 'slow down'. It's a motorway, I was doing 60. What.
  18. And anywhere north of Coventry is North.
  19. Just do it. Chat birds up all the time, it's fun.
  20. Anyone got a recommendation for how to send a full set of seats in the post? They're a bit big for the letterbox I think.
  21. I would really like to not be too skint to make this next one. Here's to hoping, I want to get the Land Rover sideways.
  22. Im not sure if this video will work, but we'll try. Hopefully playing some tunes with these dudes in a few weeks, f**king ace band - pretty frequently on 6 music and stuff, but in all the years they've been together I think they've played one gig and have a whole 74 likes on facebook. This gon' be fun.
  23. Heck yes it is - 2012 maybe? Got a week's worth of footage, but never had a week's worth of free time...
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