Don't worry mate, it can only get better! I had the same problem, met a really nice girl, she was absolutely amazing! then she decided to go and start wrecking herself on various drugs and getting totally wasted at any opportunity, i did what you did and after lots of nagging and long chats and persuading i helped get her off it. A little while later we went to a party and we were all over each other all night, it was great! Then for the next three weeks she wouldnt even talk to me, getting properly stressed if i even went near anyone else.. my head was such a mess! After this it was her 16th birthday and she proceeded to try and have sex with whoever showed even the slightest bit of interest in her. More long chats and persuading and she's sorted her life out but has completely forgotten about me, how i helped her and how i went completely out of my way her, she barely speaks to me if i ever i see her. it screwed my head up but i decided to leave well alone after that, if she needs any help again, its only in my nature to help out. For me, leaving her alone after helping her through lots of crap was hard, especially getting no recognition for it or even a thank you, but its so much better without her! of course i miss her and still think about her, but theres so many more girls out there, getting so hooked up in someone that treats you so badly is no good for you! No matter what you do, im sure youll make the right choices, you can always come on here , speak to everyone, get some advice and let the weight off your shoulders.