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Everything posted by Skoze

  1. i got a near mint 06 with a 200mm rotor and whatnot for £40, with brand new pads, only thing wrong was when i blew the diaphragm, pumped the lever once or twice when bored without the rotor in how much is he wanting for it?
  2. I'd be with you on the try-all, mines been nice to me all year, great engagement speed and is very fairly priced in my opinion. Or if you really want to splurge some money, go for a White Industries ENO, less engagements and pawls than the try-all but still has 72, so more than the Tensile! It is also fully serviceable by the rider, which is nifty. It depends on your budget really
  3. I'm Matt, ive got an 05 pitbull with fluro green rims and whatnot Havn't seen everyone for so long! it's ridiculous!
  4. Don't worry mate, it can only get better! I had the same problem, met a really nice girl, she was absolutely amazing! then she decided to go and start wrecking herself on various drugs and getting totally wasted at any opportunity, i did what you did and after lots of nagging and long chats and persuading i helped get her off it. A little while later we went to a party and we were all over each other all night, it was great! Then for the next three weeks she wouldnt even talk to me, getting properly stressed if i even went near anyone else.. my head was such a mess! After this it was her 16th birthday and she proceeded to try and have sex with whoever showed even the slightest bit of interest in her. More long chats and persuading and she's sorted her life out but has completely forgotten about me, how i helped her and how i went completely out of my way her, she barely speaks to me if i ever i see her. it screwed my head up but i decided to leave well alone after that, if she needs any help again, its only in my nature to help out. For me, leaving her alone after helping her through lots of crap was hard, especially getting no recognition for it or even a thank you, but its so much better without her! of course i miss her and still think about her, but theres so many more girls out there, getting so hooked up in someone that treats you so badly is no good for you! No matter what you do, im sure youll make the right choices, you can always come on here , speak to everyone, get some advice and let the weight off your shoulders.
  5. matt! im back riding again woo!

  6. what do you need to know? dad's an engineer and uses titanium/steel/aluminum etc. every day so im sure he can tell you anything you need to know makes me titanium boat bits aswell which is nice
  7. Hello there! as some of you know (jack, simpson, nile etc..) i want to get back into riding after being out for nearly 6 months. So the jist of it is, who wants to ride quite alot between now and january 7th? (thats when the joys of school commence again!) name dates and we can go and ride!! much love x
  8. now that was un-called for.. :P

  9. I'm not a mod man but you can definately get the wheel off without bothering the maggies, just de-flate the tyre completely and pull the wheel off im sure someone can give you some advice on the tensioners, i'd just fully undo them and then they'll come off with the wheel.
  10. chubby trousers! im at school, and bored.. im in here till friday!! how homosexual! beacoup love, matt xx

  11. if you dont use it and desparately need the money, sell it. The sad truth is that trials is a very small market, i've spent nearly £2000 on my pitbull, its in absolutely mint condition, and even if i was to chuck in all the parts its ever had, i'd be hard pressed to get £1000 for it. Just check eBay, you can get an almost brand new monty 221ti for what £800 ? If i were you, i'd keep it until i get the chance to ride it again, so it's there when i need it. But it depends on your situation. It's up to you dude!
  12. sorry dude, i think the link might be wrong, might just be me..
  13. we can usderstand you fine despite the poor quality, the riding was really good! hope you can make another with a better camera some time. keep up the riding!
  14. mr sheehan! tis made with the pitbull, how u been babe? do you own a bike worthy of trials yet?

  15. Skoze

    Feel Like Laughing?

    the way he disappeared into the bush, followed by the "im in a spot of bother", was very Alan Partridge .. made me lol.
  16. yeah he was about 9/ 10 last time i checked, sponsered by koxx and was riding a wasp, probably got something deiiferent now.. hows your friend doing with the pedal hops then?
  17. little Robbie Peacock is who you want to look out for just get your friend to keep practicing his balance and pedal hops, when he's got those dialled, he'll be able to progress to bigger and better things with far greater ease.
  18. It depends on what you've got in them, care to tell us? standard oil? water? Should be perfectly fine.. just let it warm up again on its own and dont sqeeze it/ bend the hoses around if its properly frozen.
  19. Hey, if your looking for an easy way into the sport, look through ebay for any second hand onza's, echo's, koxx's etc, but make sure the bikes are in good condition and the sellers have good feedback. If you look through the rides section on here, im sure you could find a ride near you, and im pretty sure that youd be able to get a ride on many different bikes and wheel sizes, its good to try them and see what you like! I built my pitbull from scratch about a year ago and its lucky that i had the money availible, because to get what i needed for the custom build went waaaay over budget! a full build bike is definately the cheapest and easiest way to go if your just starting. if you don't mind me asking, how much money have you got to play with? Hope this helps
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