I've only been on this earth 14 years but i was having a good ol' think, (much like a seriously old dude would while sitting on the sofa etc.) in the car about the claims of how the sea levels will rise by huge amounts, and I decided that most of it is rather misleading/ confusing, They say that all the ice will melt causing huge rises, but the only ice that will make a change to the sea levels is that on land, (which is what, just under a third?) so all that is in the sea will make no difference whatsoever. The ice in the sea will be displacing its weight, much like you would in a bath, so when it melts, it is still the same amount in the water, just in a different state. It's like if you had ice cubes in a glass(you can do an experiment aswell with this bit if you are reeeeally bored!) with the ice cubes displacing the water around them and that water level being right to the rim of the glass, then let them melt all on their own, the water level will stay the same, and not go spilling over the top as the water is 'added' to it. So the only ice that will add to the sea levels is that of the ice that is on land. Well, thats my two cents, the earth is coming out of an ice age and we are almost definately contributing to the speed of which it is warming back up, but still, its a natural thing for the earths temperature to change. I'll keep wondering about it all though, Matt