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Everything posted by Skoze

  1. took the words right out of my mouth.. it's not cool though.
  2. Skoze

    The Worst Music

    + 1 for soulja boy, whats so good about it, its just some bloke talking about some general crap, i just can't be arsed to say anymore about it. On radio 1 etc it's like "so are you hard enough to do some crappy dance?" TIT
  3. Wheeeey he got validated! see you in the big boys chat
  4. i agree, reported for a good reason
  5. Sand down gently, white primer (apply thin coat, then repeat until you're happy) montana gold spray paint, in black of course (this stuff really is amazing, best paint by lightyears, look on graffiti shops/ websites like Graphotism. Light coats and same drill as with the primer) Then laquer the beasts when the paints dry (only takes about 5-10 seconds per coat) go for the gently-gently approach with the laquer aswell. Leave to fully dry then go ride! all should cost no more than, say £10-15. Matt It's how i'd do it.
  6. I salute you sir for making that post Whoever said the to "difficultest", give him some leeway, i bet his english is better than your Russian. Buy a helmet and wear it, nice riding none the less. Matt
  7. 'Eventually, Chengwei lost patience and let rip with a real-life knife that was most definitely sharp and very pointy.' Good way to put it By the way, both links go to the same place. Matt
  8. Search button works wonders... Zoo Pads.
  9. Skoze


    As has been said above, tar is shite. All it can offer in the dry is a fairly good hold/ bite and some noise. The downsides are that: When it gets wet, it turns to oil, makes a mess. It has to be constantly re-applied.VERY tempremental, too little and it offers no real advantage, too much and it clogs the pads up, makes the rim horrible and the brake pads get stuck to the wheel when you brakeJust generally not worth the hassle.And now, i will do my usual of defending the rims from the evils of angle grinder, just buy some soft compound pads (i.e zoo's) and make sure that the rim stays clean. Matt
  10. Thats pretty harsh, their goverment sucks. As for things that taste worse than mud cookies, anyone ever accidentally chewed a cod liver oil tablet? That was the single worse tasting thing i've ever had the misfortune of eating. Matt
  11. It sure is, going off on all sorts of tangents.
  12. Do you seriously ride that specialized? it scares me.
  13. You do realise that stuffs bad. anyway, Skoze One, DBU crew, (as well as many others) nice to meet you I havnt been a vandal for a while now, realised how my life would be over if i got caught. Welcome to the forum, use good grammar and spelling and you'll be validated in no time! Add me on MSN, we'll talk.. Matt
  14. Just make time to deflate the tyre, move that and the inner tube across, lift the rim tape and take it out? Do you want to replace the spoke or just get rid of the nipple?
  15. Did you just paint the lever? looks good To whoever thought of bakerytits, you have too much spare time and i too will now go and disembowel a spare sticker.
  16. Im going to join you on the inning, drugs are bad, no matter how much fun they are etc..., they're not doing you any good.
  17. Aw bless him, i remember him from back in the day, used to have me in stitches. R.I.P
  18. Yeah i know what you mean, was spelled Triton if i remember correctly? EDIT: don't forget IOLO see, i can spell
  19. The paint technique worked quite well..
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