Where i live, there's loads of farms and fields everywhere, some kids dad owns a farm,and soime of his sheep were the weapon of choice for the days festivities. Last years year 11's at my school brought in 19 sheep, sprayed 1-20 on them but left out one number (think it was 11) within about 30 seconds, the sheep were everywhere and the year 11's and teachers had to round them up. Upon interrogation everybody said that there was 20 sheep, but sheep number 11 was nowhere to be found. Mass search by the whole school to find a sheep. was the most random day ever. after about 5 hours, some bint explained the sitiuation, yr11's got a bollocking and we all had to go back to lessons. Do it, cause as much disruption to your school of choice as possible. Edit: havn't a clue how they got them in though.