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Everything posted by Skoze

  1. Portfolio review at Wieden + Kennedy end of May, BOOOOOOOOM.
  2. but then who'll drive the lass you sodomised to the station in the morning?
  3. My mate sent me a picture of his newest land rover being put in his shed today. Not overly remarkable, but there was also an Aston Martin DB6 Vantage in front of it. I am so jealous.
  4. Looking good Mike! Guy on my mate's facebook is adamant an MX5 turbo conversion is 'easy mate, 4psi on std set up. just need a scooby turbo, manifold, oil feed return so tap the sump.... done' People who read half of a build thread online and suddenly know everything are the worst.
  5. might show my face if i've got the rig sorted by then!
  6. what the f**k is that
  7. Just thought that for a guy who did the challenge last year, going back to starting at 1 a day again would be a little pointless. Then again it could be, but i'm far too busy to sit and do the maths.
  8. Lad. Having started from scratch, i've taken a week off of it like a total pussy due to the massive work overload at the minute. What you up to a day now? Remember you doing the same last year.
  9. I use it in the Capri religiously, definitely upped MPG for me too - you're not alone! Bit of V-Power and some Redex, absolutely loved it.
  10. Finally, i've been on the edge of my seat mashing F5 for f**king days.
  11. Doesnt look a bad build that, i'd be interested to see more of how you get on with it
  12. Can't imagine them being that commercially viable, would put strong money on it remaining a one-off forever. No reason you can't go hunt down an old Megamo or something though, if you want what it was based on (seem to remember that was what he was tearing around on until this replaced it?)
  13. I love the pixelated photos up top - NICE.
  14. No not at all mate, was just wondering as you seem to have a pretty idealistic view of things - fair play to you! I've just found it's the bit between 2 and 3 years that makes quite a difference in the dynamic of it all. I'm still just as attracted to my girlfriend as I was when we first got together, but things have definitely slowed down a touch so I can definitely relate to the others in here. With the total comfortability factor time gives though, some rather interesting this have come out of the woodwork with it - like, she wants to get some other girls involved at some point which is a rather nice prospect, but obviously ground rules will need to be laid out beforehand... Again, going back to the earlier point it's alllllllll about that talking. Watch this space I guess. I just find it really interesting to get so many different takes on things.
  15. This is purely out of curiosity Dan, but what's your longest relationship to date?
  16. Then fair play to you I reckon! If it's a mutual thing then I couldn't really see a problem with it. All just comes back to talking about it and keeping everything in the open. I've never got this far along in a relationship before, but it definitely seems to be one of those points where you either start to get itchy feet and jump ship or work out exactly what you're both down for and end up with something really solid. And yeah, I totally get what you mean - more the working for it a little than it being on tap 24/7 (or going all-out rapist a la Ross). Think we're finding a pretty happy medium now to be fair. Been together 3 years
  17. Wanna swap? I think we're the reverse of you guys haha It's an interesting point though (all of the above, that is) - separating the emotional and physical side does seem to actually make quite a lot of sense - keep everyone happy but then go back to the real relationship and friendship you enjoy/ want to be in for longer than just one night. I'm the same as JT though, it's a cake and eat it situation - like any bloke i'd be more than happy for some nsa stuff with someone else, safe in the knowledge it wouldn't really affect me emotionally, but i'm really not sure I could be comfortable with her getting railed by some other dude. Hypocrisy 101. Communication is key, see how she's feeling about it too. All just depends on the end goal, if you want a future with her then find something that works.
  18. Awesome news! I remember Lawnmowerman had it, then it kinda disappeared off the face of the earth for a while after I tried to get my grubby mitts on it - glad to hear it's in good hands now!
  19. Also normal, similar position here - wouldn't say i'm less attracted to her or anything, the whole relationship's just a bit calmer. It's nice to be so relaxed speninding time with your best pal though, if you're happy just run with it mate! Just make sure neither of you forgets about doing the couple-y stuff too.
  20. I've spent most of today designing some nutrition information labels for cooking oil for someone. This shouldn't really be 'angry thread' material as i'm seriously grateful for the work, but the fact i've got to do it in the middle of my exam project which is worth 35% of my whole degree because i'm so desperate for money is balls. Gotta phone mum later and ask for £400 as I can't pay next month's rent as well as finishing this project off. Meanwhile, the other guys in my group are dropping £200+ on test prints like it's nothing and treating you like a twat for not doing the same. I'm so f**king fed up of how the course is, for what's one of the last remaining 'proper' art schools, the elitism is staggering. What's worse is that it's all graded as an average, so I got 54% for the last semester, literally because I didn't spend as much on my work as the majority did. /rant.
  21. I'm in a similar boat with Faye - she's passed her test but hasn't driven in a while and doesn't own her own car at the moment. She is, however, still insured on my Capri. She's driven it a few times and is fine, just could benefit from a bit more confidence. She says herself she always drives a bit on the fast side, so I've offered to take her to a local airfield and practice just hooning about in it and sliding around to learn a bit of car control but she's really reluctant to have a go... I'd just rather she knew what to do when it went tits-up for the sake of an afternoon or something, oh well. As for Das Capri, it's finally going back together over easter... Heads are in the machine shop at the moment getting a full rebuild and skim, then it's back on the road with any luck.
  22. Can't for the life of me remember who ended up with it, but I do remember trying to buy it (or at least buy the pegs) to run on mine. Ended up on someone's garage floor awaiting a rebuild that never came, don't think they really knew the significance of it... One day i'm going to open a Leeson museum in my shed. They were fantastic. Flawed in so many ways, but brilliant - bikes don't come like that anymore. Good to see you back by the way, mate!
  23. 'scuse the insta-square, but one from the other day using one of my mad filters and the 28mm f/2.8 Dunc stuck in the post for me. What a gentleman.
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