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About Linus

  • Birthday 07/04/1992

Contact Methods

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  • County (UK Only)
    Non UK
  • Real Name
    linus Pihlsgård
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    onza ice, Echo Lite, Profile, trialtech stem/bars
  • Country

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  • Gender
  • Location
    sweden, Gothenburg

Linus's Achievements

Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. Nice riding! Bails was painfull to watch haha!
  2. I really like it! The weight is good also. It looks like 24" suits you, looking forward to some videos in the future!
  3. Linus

    Indoor Clips

    Hi! First ride of the new year, wanted to film something in HD. Nothing amazing but It was a fun ride. Linus
  4. Best looking inspired I've ever seen. No doubt! Big up for the effort!
  5. I liked that very much! Made me miss summer so bad! Edit was nice, made it a bit emotional, witch I liked. Riding was also great, good style from you both, and some huge stuff aswell! Actually I think it's a bit of a shame how the topic is written, the vid is far better than that! Nice one!
  6. Quite huge difference in geometry there, the koxx is alot shorter. Due to the fact that you've resently ridden stock or 24, I would recomend you the echo. I have not tried any of them though. (my english felt bad today, sorry for that)
  7. Linus

    Linus Pihlsgård

    I'm glad to hear that! Thanks!
  8. Linus

    Vid Wanted

    This might be the one:
  9. Linus

    Linus Pihlsgård

    Yeah I know the camerawork is quite bad, some of the clips is bad due to a bad cameraman, and others due to lack of cameraman haha. Will try to work on that for my next video Thanks!
  10. That was great! Nice riding, but your bike seems very short (I know that the other one broke)! Keep it up
  11. Linus

    Linus Pihlsgård

    Thanks alot mate! Glad you liked it! I have a couple more clips from this summer but they are in HD and my computer can't handle the rendering haha Will try to fix it some day though!
  12. Linus

    Day Out Riding

    Nice video, sidehops looks pretty good! It seems that you don't use the pedalkick technice (spelling?) as much as you should. You should be using in gaps the moment you leap of, now it looks like you almost have your brake locked. Try to do the same thing in your gaps as when your just dropping off, only a little bit faster (obviosly). As said, watch videos in slowmo and compare your technices to theirs and you'll se Good luck!
  13. Linus

    3 New Tra Videos

    The translations in the second video made me laugh so hard haha! Absolutely amazing riding!
  14. I'm thinking make it two. Otherwise I think it's a great idea, go for it
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