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I'm hungry

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Everything posted by I'm hungry

  1. cheers dude, i think you mean bio oil... if thats what your on about ive tried it and it makes little difference and to be honest a little bottle is 15 something quid and only lasts a little, so id rather keep my marks than spend that much and see little to no results. might be talking about something else, so if you are please let me know what it is. about training and nutrition... im natural, im 19 in a few months so untill im 21 not even thinking about it! i drink about 2l of water a day, and take multi vitamins everyday, morning and evening. i think its just my skin, i see much bigger guys in the gym with no marks at all, but some smaller guys with alot of marks on them. i supose everyones different, but after a chest workout i look like ive been attacked by a fcuking panther and clawed my chest lol. proper beastly ps. peperami - i also have them just above and on my hamstrings, partly from hamstring curls, deep squats and deadlifts... mind you they gone skincolour not and cant see them. took a good half a year for them to heal up though, but havent returned thank god!
  2. right, this been on my mind for a while. does anybody have any problems with stretchmarks from lifting? i got some proper deep thick ones on my pecs, arms forearms quads and triceps. red and thick.... dont really bother me but could do without them to be honest. has anybody got sugestions? had any similar problems?
  3. damn! come to think of it, a COLAR for the olympic bars at my gym is 2.5kg thats insane!
  4. do they like even hold a 25kg plate on each side?! they must flex like fcuk! and surely theyre not very safe... its like the weight of my laptop
  5. what like a zip on the hood?! so like the hood wraps around your head and zips up? someone post a pic, i cant find anything about them...
  6. i prefer them, much easier than pull on ones. what do you mean all the way up your face u mean zip up to your neck?
  7. some pretty heavy weights being thrown around the forum would love to see a short vid of people actually benching what they say....
  8. just go work dude, theres plenty of jobs out there for people with no qualifications, i started on £7.89 p/h with no qualifications or anything. and at 24 u should be already working shouldnt you?! bit late for qualifications ent it?
  9. dont waste your money on a powerball, just wank alot... and make sure to change hands so you dont end up with a huge forearm and a stick on the other hand
  10. it all depends on what your after to be honest, build mass or rip up... if your after mass keep your reps low, heavy weight 6-8 reps max. if your after ripping up i'd say go with the above 10-12 reps. seen as youve done a bit of lifting before, i would say go for a more advanced workout. id say go for a 4 day split but you can do full body workouts too. (down to personal preferance) do a quick search on the net for workouts, theres tones of articles and stuff about toning up or building muscle. googles your best friend till you get yourself sorted with a decent routine. diets the most important thing, worth searching a bit about diet aswell, eat well even if your after toning up, dont starve yourself to try and lose fat because you will not benefit one bit. go down have a chat with people around the gym too, pt's and long time lifters. good luck dude, stay consistent and results will come, guaranteed!
  11. not normal...if i eat enough carbs before and take a good dose of cafein before my workout i can avoid it and push myself to the limit with no sick feeling. if you train and your body hasnt got enough resources you will feel it. munch on bananas throughout your workout its really good for you
  12. i think (not 100% sure on this) its all to do with adrenaline. gives you a rush and makes you feel sick when your peaking
  13. eat dude! carbs and protein 2 eggs with cheese on top and some bacon on the side with bread. maybe some veggies or a massive bowl of pasta with the works lol at the comment above!!
  14. breath deeply, inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. i got that feeling today about 30 mins ago on deadlifts and nearly fainted. control your breathing and make sure your well hydrated ps. did you mean sick after your workout or during??
  15. no buying or selling in new members chat.... lol (good luck selling that anywhere)
  16. IN on a legendary thread... go out and work if you want money it dont grow on trees, and theres no easy legal way of making money quick
  17. at the end of the day a bikes only worth what someones willing to pay for it. you could end up spending £1000's on a bike, money down the drain. its hard to get back what you've spent on a bike these days
  18. why do people like emo sh!t ?!?! the guitar in the songs is terrible, 2 powerchords repeated for 5 minutes. they cant sing, screaming like idiots isnt classed as singing! the beat to the tracks is crap. i like all kinda stuff, listen to radio quite a bit when im at work so i like alot of stuff. one thing i hate is this new age heavymetal bollox! i still like to listen to a bit of metallica or van halen stuff now and then, thats real rock music, but i LOVE the kooks at the moment... love d&b, rap, and jungle and anything with a good beat to it.
  19. well most people have enough sense to use it on the car not themselves ! ! that slut deserves the pressure washer stuck in her mouth and blasted on till her eyes pop out
  20. if you put that on ebay you will struggle to get £250
  21. I'd be up for it aslong as can sort out a welder, someone to work with...
  22. id be up for this if i can get any welders around my area, county. i can drive so that no problem what a great idea!!!
  23. I'm hungry

    Shall I?

    lol stick to stock if thats what your used to... ride what you feel comfortable on mate not what other people tell you to ride on go forth be strong much love!
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