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Daniel C

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Everything posted by Daniel C

  1. Daniel C


    i was just wondering on my cranks my freewheel looks cross threaded and my freewheel is fooked so i need to get it off but i dont want to strip the threads off my crank so i was wondering what do you think the threads would come off first the freewheel or the cranks? and is there any way of getting it off without damaging anything? my cranks are echo forged and my freewheel is acs
  2. take your leverblade off take the little bolt thing out and replace it with anormal bolt so that it comes out of the top and you have a tpa i think there is something on the wiki to show you and more description
  3. nice vid m8 like the jumping to front wheel.
  4. free bump if its on sat ill be there
  5. i use 160 but i used to prefer 180 as it has more power
  6. i really want one of those frames!! what do you think to rear disc?
  7. he doesnt want any1s vote hes cool enough without them lol
  8. cs hes average 3/10 ive already told you lol
  9. ok sorry but isnt staffordshire near staffordshire?
  10. well i think he is a pr*k to be honest this is all he got to do with his life lol and if you look on his profile his only friend is danny kearns and he lives in the same place as him he evan has the same name jus a different age hmmmmmmmmmm?
  11. and wat wats you problem with that? and wat bike do you ride?
  12. i love you too babe dunno bbe prob sunday nite nd i miss u too xx
  13. i new it callum i new u were gay lol and dan x hes not gay but his boyfriend is, got a problem with that?
  14. cool cool mite just have to purchase a dd one then lol
  15. do you think the price is reasonble for what it is?
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