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Daniel C

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Everything posted by Daniel C

  1. kk as i may need a new freewheel halfway through the day as mine is bout to explode lol
  2. yh kk should be good will there be any stalls there?
  3. love it dude i always love your videos
  4. im attending but im not very good so the video wont be very good so i was jus wondering can i get clips of anyone?
  5. shite it jus wanted to be a hydroxx with the paint job and i dont like the rims sorry
  6. mite be coming down with couple of mates but need to know where the street ride is gonna be?
  7. looks good to ride there if its not far mite have to show my face one time for a ride?
  8. yay im so happy for u NOT!!!!!11
  9. the hs11 are a cheap hydrolic brake they have plastic levers where as the hs33 are metal.
  10. Daniel C

    GTA 4 Game play

    wat the hell?
  11. hi and welcome to the forum. it depends on what you feel better at riding either 20 or 20 but if you go 20 then go for a t-pro ideal starting bikes
  12. Daniel C

    My Echo

    thats nice same frames as mine its an 06
  13. well if you had read the instructions then you would no but as you did a topic like this you obviously didnt read them
  14. that is nice id love one of those my mate has ahydroxx frame jus hanging up in his shed its so annoying cos everytime i go round there its jus there starin at me sayin "yh u wnt me" lol hes askin money that i ant got for it though
  15. corse it can callum every rim can take a harsh grind but jus not hold it but yours holds them for about a week and then starts going dead so that explaines it you did a harsh grind and the pads died
  16. callum you did the harshest grind ive ever seen on your rim and dont say you didnt!!!!!!!
  17. Daniel C


    good point lol cheers for the help
  18. Daniel C


    most of the freewheel sits on the threads but there is a cuple that overhang?
  19. good vid m8 have you ever done bmxing?
  20. Daniel C


    cheers well the freewheel wobbles like a bitch and the gap between the crank and freewheel are different in different places if u get what i mean?
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