dude were always riding in skeg if you wanna have a trip down here any time but im not riding at the mo as i have no bike but my number is 07787546313 if u fancy coming down in the upcoming weeks jus give me a txt cheers daniel
really liked the vid big moves but hated the soundtrack so muted it and in the end it was all good lol cant moan at you for not wearin a helmet cos i dont lol but 10/10 for riding dudes keep it up.
u can get it of any road for free or go to your local builders merchant and the will sell it but its not cheap but then agen you will have enough to last you about 10000000000 lifetimes
ino a proxy that the school cant block jus type in random letters then follow it by .hu.tl its funny cos they bloch the letters thenyou jus type some different ones e.g dngvjbv.hu.tl
well i have been running coust in cnc backings for bout 5 months now they are imence and i still have over three quarters of the pad left they have great hold bite and sound what ever the weather. but my m8 ran reds in cnc backings and he hated them they slipped in the wet they dent work at all due to this he only had them for bout a month and bout 4 grinds later lol. hope this helps chapy.
as ive heard becose there anodized they get weaker but they should be ok in the front, the only other thing you can do is a)spray the back ones b)forget about it and stick with black or silver 0r c buy some and try it.