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Daniel C

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Everything posted by Daniel C

  1. that was an emence ride lads hope for another one soon.
  2. Thought you quit trials? see you soon guys.
  3. have heard that the weathers ment to be good so, come on down
  4. hi and welcome to the forum. hope you get your bike back dude shame it got stolen ill keep a look out for it. if your thinking of getting a new bike i would go for a new gu 08 typhoon. cheers chapy by the way that was an amazing first post you should get validated in no time.
  5. wel i run 18 on the front and 12 on the bak as this is the most common gear ratio for a mod but its down to your preferances.
  6. lush as fook loving the yellow.
  7. im lovin this especially the rotors
  8. hi ryan does this mean u cant get i have a crossova u can buy if you like say 2 quid wen you get here?
  9. im now angry with you adam lol is bill or anyone coming down from clee?
  10. i hope it wont rain but yh if visabilaty is good then at least we can still see lol and lozz dan and glen never mind the hangovers get you arses out and ride lol
  11. Daniel C

    Ko Rims

    does anyone know when they are actually ment to be coming out?
  12. lol wats goin on u have a cmpletely silver bike lol
  13. ok give me a pm if theres a change of plan
  14. i ant dude i broke ma phone but if you deffo there bout 12 ill meet you there ill prob b there bout 10 to 12 though so im there in time.
  15. tell you wat ill cum down to meet you all from train station at 12 then we will ride up to meet evry1 were i left them yh?
  16. can u jus go away and stop trying to cause arguments with people and reporting people for things that you dont even no what you are repoting them for. and stop ruining peoples topics.
  17. good reason callum cos i was telling the truth and how can you report me if you dont no what your reporting me for?
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