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Daniel C

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Everything posted by Daniel C

  1. allo these chavs that keep starting on us have een got ther own crew name called skeggy troopz lol what a joke i jus say we do them ova that will stop them anoying us lol
  2. that is sexy as fook i want.
  3. nice callum shame bout brake though
  4. wouldnt it be easyer to go on a diet? could save you some money in the end.
  5. ok thankyou. how long roughly have you had your chains?
  6. hi i am in need of a new chain but im stuck on what to get. i have used kmc k710 chains before but didnt like them as i have snapped loads lol, and my mates have used the gusset and diamondback half link chains and have had problems with them like the links all stiffening up or the chain snapping. so i am just wundering what your suggestions are on what chain to have? i am only wanting to spend about 10 to 15 pounds could maybe stretch to a little more. so suggestions please as im really desperate cheers chapy
  7. rite is it ok for everyone if i change the date to the week end after please say if not ok?
  8. im well proud lol oh and brap wierdo.
  9. added to the list hope to see you there.
  10. is that date ok for every body this time?
  11. the police said that we have to find out the lads name, address, telephone number and where abouts he has hid the bike so basically what as they are saying is go and look for the bike and when you find it come and tell us and we will recover it for you.
  12. seeing as there is no other replys yet shall i move it to another week when your all here?
  13. yeh snapped clean in half lol he had a spare bike in his van though so...
  14. i was just wundering if anyone was up for another skeggy ride in august? it will be on the 24h august wich is a sunday giving people time to book off work and stuff like that. if your up for it put your name down. cheers chapy so far fatter knacker tom fish-finger trial chapy maybe karl butcher maybe mod mike callum-luvs-trials loads of locals zero matt
  15. them pics are awsome karl hope evryone enjoyed it. may have to organise another ride for later on in the year? this one turned out really well.
  16. callum would you like me to upload it to trials-tube?
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