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Daniel C

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Everything posted by Daniel C

  1. he looks like he jus come out his shell lol
  2. Daniel C

    Sam Doman?

    cheers. and i payed by cheque wich cleared ages ago now.
  3. nice vid there man, soom good riding.
  4. Daniel C

    Sam Doman?

    Does anyone know sam doman in person, as i bought some parts off him in his auction topic splitting a bike. He recieved the money on the 21st of june and it is now the 1st of july, and i still havent recieved the parts(front mechanical disc brake and onza t-master stem). So if somebody knows him would they be able to ask him if he has sent the parts or not as he wont reply to my pm's or my offline mesages on msn? still no sine of the parts, and it has been over two weeks now. i think this is taking the micky now. please if anyone knows him can they tell him to get his arse into gear and get my parts sent!!!
  5. well depends if you like your collor bone broken?
  6. can tell you didnt read the rules then!!! edit this and then read them.
  7. Daniel C

    byron simpson ko clips

    great vid i love that :)
  8. callum your going on about all this as your making new accounts like sponge-bob-square-pants for instance what is the point why didnt you just be quite in the begining and you wouldnt be in this mess that your in!!!
  9. in "ive just drilled a hole in the back of my bottom bracket area and forgot that my bottom bracket was in there and my axel is in two pieces. What frame do you think i should get?" *opens my pictures on his desktop, and looks for pictures*
  10. "i am going to do some mods to it" *goes and trys to save weight* "i have just finished trying to save weight on the frame now it is -694g but i have cut a hole in my head tube and now i havent got one how do i glue a new one on?" *goes and searches tartybikes for a new frame*
  11. are you going to post pictures of it every five minutes?
  12. have you got any pics of it in the uk and interior and stuff?
  13. spoken with him now thankyou for you help
  14. cheers this is such a help
  15. hi people im really really interested in a wheel that towler @ scotland is selling but i am having no replys from him i have left him pm's i have added him on msn and left him offline messages i have left comments on the topic and still no replys. so i was wondering if anybody on the forum knows him as a friend or has his number? and would they be able to speek to him, or text him and tell him that i really really want the wheel, and have the money waiting please and if he could contact me? thankyou chapy sorry if this is inconvienient but im really desperate.
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