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Daniel C

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Everything posted by Daniel C

  1. that IS the sort of crap i got when i got bumped off...
  2. its against the data protection act to give out other peoples details without there consent sorry.
  3. thanks for that i was typing in plazmatic and stuff like that
  4. i apreciate that but ive used the search and found nothing.
  5. guess what?.....i was only asking a question no need to take it all to heart!!
  6. hi just wondering does anybody know what compound plazmatic are e.g 72A or what ever?
  7. black and bold = what he actually wanted to know red and bold = gobledy gooch lol made me chuckle any way.
  8. any good places to look for cheap cars apart from ebay?
  9. Rite im bored so i thought id put this topic up... rite if you had 250 quid to spend on your first car what would you buy, but remember its a first car so it has to be cheep insurance?
  10. I would say the hydroxx issss the way forward, just like the fact that there hydroformed they look so nice compared to the monty IMO.
  11. hey just posted on my topic about when is everybody riding again lol.... any way yeah im up for it and so will everybody that still rides in skeg, ill get em all out
  12. rather quite.....tastyful
  13. imo the best way is to give them to your friend and ask them nicely if they will put your grips on for you whilest you tie your shoe lace.
  14. callum.curwood by any chance? you back to your old tricks again? or onza t-vee rider jack?
  15. what makes it so funny that you have to come on here spamming the forum?
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