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Daniel C

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Everything posted by Daniel C

  1. not my type of bike. How did you crack it?
  2. ive actually fallen in love
  3. cant make it, have no wheels
  4. Daniel C


    I had to wait 3 months for a set of pads and offset ounts to arrive and all he kept blaming it on was royal mail when he clearly hadn't sent them. Ive never bought from there since and never will buy from there again.
  5. will decide later this week but most prob be there.
  6. hi me and callum curwood are making a voyage to peterbourgh this saturday if anybody is going to be about leave a comment and ill add you to the list cheers me callum.curwood john banks
  7. When i cant be bothered to go out riding i usually watcha couple of vids and think... i wanna do that lol so it makes me want to go out riding to learn all the stuff i see in videos.
  8. Daniel C

    Pad Advice.

    I was running my cnc coust pads on basically a smooth rim and they had good bite and hold but they didnt work atall in the wet lol but they had basically no squeek.
  9. who actually still going list?
  10. ill deal with you 2morro lol...illl, ill... ill stand on your toe nerrrr!!!
  11. the person may have cut there finger wilst boxing the brake up? on a serious note check tartybikes and see what it says on there.
  12. to make it louder you could try ataching an air horn to your brake some how, so when you press the brake it goes off preferably near the pistons as this may be abit desturbing wilst in the process of doing something ...or buy some new pads, check the pad reviews.
  13. no lol id like one that says daniel in it ?
  14. im up for this if my ema has gone in and its a saturday and the weathers better than today?
  15. Daniel C

    Honda Civic

    pictures of your civic please.
  16. oh rite so it was possible to get them then. i just think it would look pretty cool lol
  17. Rite heard from a lad around my area that you used to be able to get hope rotors with your name wrote in them? is it still possible to get these or has anybody got a picture of one? cheers xx
  18. I can see an argument blooming... lets put a stop to it now before it gets out of hand.
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