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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by mista-neos

  1. That website was pritty sick man some good stuff but im more letters based. I made some stencils for art pritty good.
  2. Yeh man i dont like the little tags on walls but im a advanced graffiti writter doing pure "wildstyles" whoop.
  3. Yeh i no abit pointless and not trials related but i wanted to know if any one does it and if you do can u stick some pics up in this topic. Thanks Blake
  4. People who ask were my seat went. Little "povs" telling me parts on my bike are crap when they ride a toys r us or toy shop bike (i have a onza so it is pritty crappy but its early days lol). BMX riders. and bike busting up.
  5. Yeh dirt jumps are quite fun man if you have gears stick it in for and its fun from there.
  6. Go water it works faster and its sharper but the only downer is that it freezes lol.
  7. I can get pritty high with them man i use them to get onto stuff to.
  8. pritty damm good how much you pay for it
  9. Hi there what tooth is the free wheel.



  10. hows it going.

    bit randome whoop

  11. I seen some neon stuff and alot of it looks sick as. I was just woundering if there any good before i invest on there stuff thanks Blake ps dont give me any beef for this topic its getting on my tits lol
  12. Yeh i used to ride dirt mtb and i was ace at it e.g back flips and stuff so walst im hopping onto walls im missing huge air so i ride ramps. Yeh i was thinking of getting a 24''
  13. Thank you lol. I love it when a bmxer does some thing he thinks is swag then u do the same on a trials bike e.g. 180 disaster whoop u enjoy that you lil bmx fag. ps i have no prbs with bmxers
  14. I no this is quite "dumb" but i was just woundering because i do alot of ramp riding on my T-Rex. The town i live in is full of bmx riders and it quite anoying because they dont understand that trials riders do ramp aswell as hop on things lol. Thanks Blake whoop
  15. I think onza bike are quite sick for starter and to upgrade i got a onza T-Rex off ebay for 100 pound and it was in mint condition apart from jamed tpa . hope this helped
  16. Start wednesday R.S lol. Im quite scared 2 also thanks for the help
  17. I like the idea of the spanner i always have a set of alan keys with me in case they try any funny shizzle if you cant hit them with it throw it . Also the bike is a good wepon il let you figure out how to use it .
  18. Ha oh my god the chaves on my "ends" are little bmx riders i get abuse like "haha your bikes crap cuz it has no seat" and other stuff. I also have a afro a huge one and a hell of alot of people respect that all the rude boys say" that hair is bare sick brappp" lol.
  19. Yay i no longer have the most pointless topic on the forum lol. I have a relentless sticker on the frount whoop
  20. If you want to go stock i would say a Onza T-REX because they are easy to do things on there just a bit frount heavy . hoped that helped
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