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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by mista-neos

  1. Ok so if its set up properly its good. Steve i have snaped a KMC kool,KHE callapse and a half link BMX chain. Thanks again Blake
  2. Hi there i was just wondering why people use front freewheel. On the bike im using its just causing problems e.g. snaped 3 chains, jamed once and just shreaded a tooth from the rear sprocket. So does any one elce have any problems with theres and what are the good points about front freewheel. Thanks Blake
  3. Hi there im intrested in the echo urbans in your topic but as im a new member i cant PM you so do you have msn or anything i could talk to you on.

    many thanks blake

  4. Well if we are going to die tomoro i need to make sure i have a can of rockstar in my hands and my thing out if you get what i meen lol. x0x0-Blake
  5. Go for it Walker that will make me at how dizzy you will be afterwords .
  6. mista-neos

    Movie 2007

    Whoop first view lol and cant go wrong with a T-rex lol.
  7. Ok if people are wering hoodies with there name on i will were mine lol.
  8. Yo i might be able to give people transport for a cheap price if any one needs a lift add me on msn.
  9. LOL it's jamed and I havn't even rid my bike...............
  10. Thanks but i have just purchused a CNC lever and the metel TPA so i have no plans of a 04. It isnt jamed yet but just i case it does.
  11. Hi there i got my 74 kingz metel TPA today and 7 pounds for something that small is a bit to much. Every single tpa i have ever owned got jamed as soon as i rode, so can some one help me keep it working. I forgot to say its a 05 Many thanks Blake
  12. I go on my trampoline and do some filps it helps quite alot.
  13. If my singlespeed kit and tenchinor come il be there
  14. Where can i find pics of the stocks then? Dont worry skoze told me there not out yet.
  15. Ohhh thats good then im going to have to see what they have.
  16. Has any one seen them and what do they think also why isnt there any stocks?. I might buy the bird if the price is right.
  17. Guys i dont need help i chucked the tenchinor out....................... it was broke and yeh i am a retard thanks for that.
  18. Im not stoping lol i love trials but i am the only rider in my town so thats why. Trip is isnt a crap topic i was just seeing if people get the same and i did ok in my gcse's you.
  19. It might just be me but a hell of alot of people give me crap for having a bike with no seat. I go for a ride in my town and people look at it funny but dont say any thing, then i go past a group of chavs or BMX riders and they start saying "were did your seat go" or "get a BMX" erm no idrather ride a good bike. I went into my local bike shop yesterday and asked if they could fix my chain tenchinor they couldnt because it was broke and i was running a cassette, i said "ok cool" just as i was leaving one of the workers said "get a real bike" me and a friend were just like what is a real bike he says well one with a seat,gears full suspention and point to a orange 223. I argue back saying well im a trials rider and i like the sport better he says "how can u like hopping on your back wheel, wouldnt you rather go down hills real fast" i siad "been there done that, plus any one can go down a drop what about up a wall" he says "well just bunny hop up a wall" i said "its not the same feeling" the every one from the bike shop gets involved talking about how on there BMX bikes and dirt jumpers they can do this that and the other......... But why is it trials riders that get crap why not xc riders or dirt jumpers.
  20. mista-neos

    Andrew Walker - Cleanbikes 1

    Nice riding man i might have to ride with you some time :).
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