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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by mista-neos

  1. Fancy some skate 2 tonight if so add me mista neos. I should be on after 6 or so.
  2. Was my bike i love it looks so nice.
  3. I might do if bikes up for it not 100% might any body need lifts.
  4. Thats a nice lil bike there Stu if we ever ride can i have a blast on it and you can go on what ever i have then.
  5. Why am i Ben just because i have the money to buy a bike just because of the hubs, your the knob.
  6. Your the lad that wants my monty arnt you.
  7. My xbike and i got it just because the hubs.
  8. Hello all I fancy a b-day ride so I’m thinking Milton Keynes I have never ridden there before and its close to me. I’m hoping my back is better for this day if not I will just watch . I was thinking of meeting at the bus station plaza around 10 to 11.30am (tell me what time you want). List your name if you’re down. Blake
  9. Thats nice where did you get those grips and pedels.
  10. I might as well come nothing better to do.
  11. Haha the kid the chucked hi bike off the bench what a legend lol that video was good.
  12. I ride multiple but i seem to see more stock riders.
  13. Yeh but its not just going to be us trials riders that buy it its going to be other people to. Not every one that plays skate are skaters there just playing the game for fun or because there sad acts and want achievements. Plus more people will understand the sport and will probs ride it. Also what if ea were to make a game called BIKE this could have trials, BMX, dirt jump and any other types of riding on that would sell and still people might get into a new sport.
  14. I’m thinking separate post for this game me and a few friends have talked in major detail about the buttons to use, locations and brands the game should have I’m sure this will work if so it will be better than BMX.
  15. Skate 2 is epic its on eBay at the moment I might buy it, and who wants BMX they should make trials me and a few friends have been talking about how it should be made. I think we should all write to ea games asking if it could be made. If it does I call dibs on being a pro in the game even though I’m crap.
  16. mista-neos

    New Vid

    I want that zhi
  17. Mike i will take some off you dude and is your bike working yet.
  18. mista-neos

    Tristan Packham Video 1

    Not to bad i need to make a video to out do you now :P and needs better quality.
  19. What you got skate for 7 pounds , i just preorderd skate 2 cant wait but im going to get skate one again.
  20. Do any of your guys go on GTA4 online i got it last night its quite fun. If you do add mista neos.
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