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About endofreak

  • Birthday 12/24/1981

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  • County (UK Only)
    County Antrim
  • Real Name
    Stephen Bell
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Zona Zenith frame, GU forks, Chris King Headset, Hope mini front, HS33 rear, Echo rim on Echo fixed hub rear, Mavc 521 on Hope XC front, Tensile 175mm cranks with Tensile 60ep freewheel and Coust bash, Try all ISIS BB, Magnesium V12's, Zoo riser bars and Echo stem.

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  • Location
    Belfast, Norn Iron

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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. I am Legend. Or after a bad curry, The Running Man.
  2. The Westboro Baptist Church have a few websites. Here's just one of them.
  3. I'm pretty sure it was released in the UK, there's always a few on the autotrader. Would definitly be a boring car to drive, even the Polo struggles with the 1.4 motor.
  4. Own both and can safely can you won't be dissapointed with either but in my opinion the PS3 is a great gadget and the 360 is the better games console.
  5. Season 3 is due to start in the states this week I think. It starts on the BBC 2 on 1st OCtober at 9pm. Was a bit shocked to hear that we were getting it so quick but I guess they had to do something considering the amount of people that download it. Clicky
  6. I'm no expert on what makes a good acoustic song but I quite like these....
  7. My bad. Should check my sources before posting something. It is more like 20 odd foot but still quite shocking to see something that normally has lorries etc drive under it fill with water in a matter of hours.
  8. We've had a little bit of flooding here in belfast. There was a new underpass opened recently on one of the motorways leading into the city but I don't think it's been designed very well. Not a great pic but that's what the underpass looked like yesterday. Doesn't look like much but that puddle is 40 - 50ft deep.
  9. I quite enjoyed it. It definately still felt like an Indiana Jones film and imo the story was no more ridiculous than previous indy movies.
  10. Didn't notice any. Just took it real slow and cleared it with enough life for 1 more hit.
  11. Went to Tesco on my lunch break today and they had several copies on the shelf so made a purchase. Only downside is I'm stuck in work and can't try it out untill this evening.
  12. I've been telling myself for ages that I won't buying it for atleast a month after it's released but I'm feeling the urge to get it as it gets closer to it's release.
  13. Down - Ghosts Along The Mississippi
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