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Rob Leech

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Rob Leech last won the day on July 16 2012

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About Rob Leech

  • Birthday 03/04/1991

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  • Real Name
    Josh Leech
  • Bike Ridden
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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    Bikes nd shizz
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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. At a spot in brum with an old, rather intoxicated, fella sat on a bench having a nap. About 15 mins pass by and he decides to wake up and shout "Is there a champion among you!" at the top of his voice, then return to his former position.
  2. Even if it was aimed at my post, I would of agreed with you . Not too sure on the whole concept, but I do like the overall look of the frame. If he kept it like that but used a standard rear end, I think it'd look awesome, especially with the front triangle idea.
  3. Why back to the drawing board? The frame was designed to flex like that, hence them calling it the first flex-frame in trials.
  4. How do all, some of you may of seen this frame at Radfest, did have it up for sale but not a lot of interest came through, so I thought I'd make a change for myself. Rides pretty nicely so far, longer than my last but with a shorter reach is just the ticket! Sorry for the state of the pics, was in a bit of a rush to hide from the rain when taking them. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Spec hasn't changed for a long time now, so most of it's a bit old. Let me know what'ch'you think. Josh.
  5. How do all, this is copied straight from the FB page, so appologys for the font type. Some unfortunate, but necessary news from Jaf today. As of the 1st September, all frame building and repair services will be closed untill further notice. From this date, Jaf will purely be looking into the development of new products and materials, with the intention to return as a more defined brand with a much broader range of production abilities. Anyone with products still within warranty will still be able to make their claims as the workshop will still be running, just on a part time basis. Anyone who currently has work in with us will have this work completed and posted before the 1st. This page will stay open, but the website will also be closed on the 1st. Our sponsored riders will continue (if desired) to have our support throughout this period. I will be taking orders up until the 1st, which will see a reduced quotation cost, but with the time scales involved, only 2-3 more frames will be produced. I'd like to thank everyone that has helped and shown support to Jaf through this first year in business and say to all, Jaf will be back! Cheers all, Josh leech, Jaf Bikes. Ed- nearly, yes. This and things like this are what I'm mainly going to be working on (I've got quite a big interest in stuff like this and it's good for tinkering with )
  6. I'm hoping to have a coiple done for Radfest Sd, but I'm having some screw cutting issues with the lathe atm. Will hopefully be sorted next week though . I sorted a one off not long ago, but to be honest, I didn't know that they were only available for 160's . so they'll be coming soon
  7. My next personal frame is going to include a flag mount for sure You could make the mold quite happily in one go dez, it's the mold positive that would take the time, depending on complexity and tolerances . I wish I was on a grand a week . I would say, looking at the rough drawings, you could bang out the mold in 2-3 days if you concerntrated purely on it. Have you thought about bonding? Relatively easy to design the joints for and would simplify the overall design and look of the frame. Looks a bit "busy" if you get what I mean? Deffinately have a play with carbon. Loads of places doing simply starter sets that can be used for more than they say if you put your mind to it . That's sort of the main advantage with carbon and the knowledge that is needed to produce parts that are structurally sound with a resulting advantage in the reduction of weight. You can use the different weaves and orientations to act against stresses that are know to act on a member, ie, the use of 0/60/150 degree layups with uni-direction cloth in forks to allow flex in one direction, but not allow this flex to affect the overal structure (if that makes sense?). The one problem I've found with Ti (especially in the uk) is the cost. The cost for a one off in Ti would be around quadrupple that of the cost of materials to make a part in carbon. Add on the cost of labour and it probably comes a bit closer to equal, but if you're planning to experiment with this design, deffinately play with carbon first (or mayby other composites? Kevlar or diolen would be a cheaper starting point, with the process's involved being the same as used with carbon) . That's my veiw on it anyways. Nice to see someone thinking out the box for once. Get in touch if you need some help/advice chap . Cheers, Josh.
  8. Go to M6 Dan . Dosen't take long to file out your mounts with a needle file . You might be able to helicoil it again, but if the ones in there are off square, you'll have a job getting the new ones in so they're spot on. I always run M6, hate anything with M5, should of been altered by now in my opinion.
  9. Bog roll around the crank arm, hit it with a knocking stick as close to the bb as you can, job done
  10. Sorry to say this Dan, but it isn't glue, it is pad material under there. This is how the french do it to get the 10mm of pad material. The pad material underneath is ment to give a better surface to bond the new material to ( a lot to do with certain epoxies being desinged purely to create strong bonds between 2 faces of the same material), but I agree, it's not a good way to do it. Had the same thing happen, got in touch with steve and he sorted it out straight away, sound guy . Cheers, Josh.
  11. Get in touch with Pat Donovan Josh (if you haven't already). Some of the german spots he goes to look frick'in awesome.
  12. Thats alright JD, I did realise that, just didn't want an argument to start is all . Know what you mean though
  13. Looking good Dez. Whats with the watch? Heart rate monitor? Josh.
  14. Yes, different angles of light bring out different colours in the paint. Not sure how it works (I'm guessing some sort of metal additives that sit at different levels in the paint layer), but the guy above may well know .
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